Sabtu, 21 April 2018

Writing for children - What a great hobby!

Writing for children - What a great hobby!

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Writing for children - What a great hobby!

Have you always wished you could write? Sitting down at your computer and writing for children doesn't have to remain a dream. You can learn how to become a published author and create wonderful stories for children in your spare time.

Writing for children is different than writing for adults. For one thing, the stories are simpler. You can tell an entire story in 4,000 words or less, depending on the type of book you want to write. Easy readers are even shorter than small chapter books. Go to the library and look at some recently published children's books. Do a little research on the styles that are being published and what kinds of topics are being covered.

If you can, join a local writers' group. This will help you learn new writing skills as well as meet others you can network with to find out about publishing opportunities. Practice writing every day, even if it is just recording random thoughts that pass through your head.Read about how to write children's books. Writing for children is a specialty niche that you can easily learn to fill. You can read websites, eBooks and printed books on this subject. Take a class if you can. Sometimes your local community college will offer one. If not, there are online classes that you can take as well to help you polish your writing.

Writing for children can make a nice hobby. Imagine how nice it would be to come home to a royalty check from your hobby! Seeing your book in your local library feels pretty good, too. Coming up with story ideas is a fascinating activity in its own right!

The more you begin to write, the easier this becomes. If you already like to write, you can start writing for children and feel a sense of accomplishment. Instead of spending years on a single novel, you could be turning out several per year. That wonderful feeling when you get an acceptance letter from a publisher for your children's book will have you dancing all around the room. With a little practice, you'll be able to create wonderful characters and create a story line that readers will love. You'll learn how to edit your work and make it fit a publisher's needs. Before you know it, you'll be ready to submit your story to publishers and be anxiously awaiting the verdict. There is a story teller inside each of us... you just need to let them out to stretch their literary skills.

While many businesses including publishing have taken a hit during the economic downturn, sales of children's books actually went up. Now is a great time to start writing as a hobby or even as a second career. It is easy to learn the steps you need to take to develop your story ideas, write them down and get them published. Why not give it a try? Most people have thought at one time or another that they would like to write a book. Why not make it a children's book?

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