Jumat, 20 April 2018

Why Wear a Necklace or Pendant

Why Wear a Necklace or Pendant

Image source: https://www.happinessboutique.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/10707146_1534248426812650_170987918_n.jpg

Why Wear a Necklace or Pendant

There are people who wear a lot of necklaces at once, one necklace all the time, and some that coordinate the necklaces they choose to wear depending on their outfits.

A necklace or a pendant can change a boring outfit into a more interesting look. It can add color, texture, and movement. Some people believe that the materials that make up the necklace or pendant can have energy properties or curative powers.

Wearing a necklace is a way to show one's individuality. Many wear jewelry to identify themselves as having a certain interest, like a horseshoe shaped pendant for a western rider or an anchor for a boating enthusiast. Others may choose something whimsical to show their playful side even though they might be wearing a traditional navy business suit.

The colors in the necklace can be used to show off or compliment one's skin tone and/or to enhance the color of the fabric on which the jewelry rests. Multi-colored necklaces can pull together an outfit made up of contrasting colors or tie in the pop-of-color in a contrasting shoe or handbag.

Many people believe that copper jewelry, as well as turquoise and jasper, has health and energy benefits for the wearer, although these claims have not been scientifically proven. At the very least, wearing jewelry made from these sources may cause positive benefits from personal beliefs and because the wearer feels adorned and special. Many choose the materials of a necklace to show wealth or value, or to show off a family heirloom.

A necklace can be a statement of one's faith, by wearing a cross, a Star of David, or a peace symbol. It can be a way of showing off your hobby of beading, ceramics work, or work with semi-precious stones.

A necklace can even be used to change your physical look. The length of the chain or cord of a necklace can draw the eye up or down, can soften the look of a square or round face, and can shorten the length of an elongated face. Also, an adjustable necklace is a very good idea because one can change the length to suit each outfit.

The real reason to wear any jewelry is to visually share a bit of your personality with those people you encounter on a day-to-day basis. An interesting necklace or pendant can give someone permission to start up a conversation or to ask where you got the interesting necklace.

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