Senin, 09 April 2018

Top 3 Don'ts Of House Landscape Design

Top 3 Don'ts Of House Landscape Design

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Top 3 Don'ts Of House Landscape Design

Because of the ever-changing market and the prices going up every day, we now spend a lot less on gardening services than we did ten years ago. Instead, we try to do everything by ourselves. This is not a bad thing when it comes to learning a new hobby or saving a dollar or two. But in reality, an experienced landscaper would do a given job much faster and with a higher quality. Most of the times, paying someone to do it, will be actually cheaper than doing it yourself.

There are many areas which require expertise and prohibit any compromises when it comes to price or quality. Electrical and plumbing are among the most important jobs because any flaw in the system could result in damage to the property or even worse - a health risk. Landscaping, on the other hand, could be done by both a professional or someone with little to no experience who only read a few books on landscaping. There are so many things which are not specified in the books and people overlook those easily. Local climate and wildlife, for instance, won't appear in every writing. That is why expert help is not obligatory but it is definitely recommended. If you still choose the DIY approach, there are three mistakes which are quite common among inexperienced people. If you are aware of them, you will also be able to avoid them, so let's see them.

First Mistake: Straight Lines. Go With Nature's Flow Instead.

A common misconception of unprofessional landscape "experts" is to use straight lines in everything they design. 90-degree angles, equal spaces between the plants, bushes cut into even shapes - just a few of the bad examples. Instead of relying on uniformity, try to follow the natural shapes and curves. That also applies to any man-made elements in your garden. For example - the walkway. Avoid using concrete as the main material. It is not only aesthetically unpleasant but it is also not very durable as a material, it is more susceptible to high humidity and low temperatures. To make things easier, simply go with nature's flow. Use flat stones or pebbles to shape a pathway. Nature has already found a way, you can do it too!

Second Mistake: Front Lawn Ignored. But it Is Still There.

You will be surprised to know how many homeowners will only work on their backyard without doing anything with their front lawn. There are some reasons why this happens. When building and designing the actual property, many decide to leave a wider area in the back. This leaves them with a large variety of options - from garden sheds, gazebos, water features (like fountains and tiny ponds) to really huge projects like soccer or rugby fields. Thus, there are fewer options available for the front yard, and things don't have to be that way. Patios and front porches have been key landscape elements for many years now and both have their functional and aesthetic values. You can also try different shrubs and even trees in case your front lawn allows it. This will make your home appear much cosier and will eventually increase its selling value.

Third Mistake: Short-term Planning. Think ahead.

Consider some future development of your landscape. All trees and shrubs will sooner or later change their size and that's when troubles occur. Keep in mind that unplanned landscaping works might lead to more serious problems such as exterior damage to your property or damage to the underground utility pipes and cables. So, plan at least 20 years ahead when developing the design of your yard.

Even if these seem to be pretty basic, an independent landscaping company has made a research that proves about 60% of non-professionals still make one or more of these top 3 mistakes. You won't believe how many people are affected and have to deal with issues caused by, generally speaking, poor landscape planning and design.

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