Jumat, 23 Maret 2018

Recondition the Conditioning

Recondition the Conditioning

Image source: https://aircoacflorida.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/airco_air-conditioning-repair-jupiter.jpg

Recondition the Conditioning

We all have things in life we are good at and others perhaps not so much. What is the cause of our abilities and talents to do certain things? Is it just genetic? Were we born with innate abilities? The truth is all traits and characteristics were developed by choice and will at some point or another. Those who can sing, dance, write, play sports, do math or whatever developed these abilities. We may not recall when we nurtured these traits but we did. However, most of us nowadays are merely victims of our own nature and habits. A truly strong person lives their life through wise and free choice and not simply from habit. For the abilities that serve us there is nothing that needs to be done about them unless you seek to further develop or refine those strengths. However, what about the characteristics that dont benefit us? What are we to do about them? We all face certain challenges or weaknesses in some areas. For some it may be your eating habits, for others lack of exercise and others it may be education, substance abuse, relationships or an infinite number of possibilities! Ah-ha this is where the challenge lies! One of the benefits of meditation is that you become a clean slate or blank canvas where you can then objectively see yourself without the emotional attachment. By doing so, you come to realize you are no more your negative traits than you are your positive traits. The only difference between one and the other is to what degree do these traits serve you? Obviously, if youre a natural born people person and have a career in sales or marketing then this is a quality that serves you. But if youre an introvert then spontaneously meeting people and having to create conversation may not be a strength you currently possess. However, that doesnt mean it cant be nurtured. Now dont be delusional! If you always wanted to be a singer but sound like howling wolves then you may not want to leave your day job just yet. But if that is something you really enjoy then you may want to start it as a hobby. Find yourself a voice coach, do your breathing exercises, work hard, concentrate your energies and with enough determination you will show improvement and may become a worthwhile talent to listen to. It doesnt mean you will become the next Lady Gaga but if you truly enjoy singing then you should express it and experience it to the best of your capability. One scientific study suggested that in order to truly become great at something like an instrument, sport or trade it typically takes an individual on the average about 10 years! I assure you any talent can be achieved with the right focus, determination and honest and continued evaluation. If you dont presently have the talent necessary to achieve a particular goal, then surround yourself with people who do. The old adage is true, birds of a feather flock together. This is why it is important to choose your company wisely. Be aware to never over estimate your strengths. There have been those such as a recovering alcoholic who now wants to help others but if you now find yourself frequenting bars and hanging with old drinking buddies it wont be long before youve relapsed back into your old ways. In order to help another your good habits must be ten times stronger than their bad habit. The point is to begin to make decisions on your life. Assess where you are and where you would like to be. Write an outline, draw a map or diagram and/or figure out the steps necessary to get to that next plateau. Your willpower, however, must be strong. Another advantage of practicing yoga is that it actually helps to strengthen ones willpower. All mental strength, intuition and energy comes from our souls connection with Spirit. Nurturing this inner connection is like tapping into an infinite reservoir of power. In due time, youll find it easier and easier to recondition old traits and to nurture new behaviors that you choose.
1 S.O.U.L.

Spiritual Nexus for Holistic Living

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