Minggu, 18 Maret 2018

OMG! Stress Can Cause Male Organ Odor

OMG! Stress Can Cause Male Organ Odor

Image source: https://beautyhealthtips.in/wp-content/uploads/2015/02/Best-tips-to-reduce-the-men-body-odor-1.jpg

OMG! Stress Can Cause Male Organ Odor

In this fast-paced, get-it-done-now society, its no wonder that stress is a huge problem. And the range of stress triggers is incredibly wide, meaning that people today can get stressed out about anything. As has been well documented, all that stress has consequences, including damaging overall health. But its unlikely that most men think about how stress can be a factor in a nasty male organ odor. Yes, its true: stress can indeed be a member health concern, especially when talking about rank male organ odor.
A stressed nation

Just how prevalent is stress? According to one 2014 survey by the American Institute of Stress, 77% of people regularly experience physical symptoms that are related to stress - and 73% experience psychological symptoms because of stress. A third of the population reports that they are living at an extreme stress level, and almost half felt their level of stress had increased over the past five years. The top five causes of stress were reported to be job pressure, money, health, relationships and poor nutrition.

Clearly, stressing out is far too common an occurrence in modern day life.


One of the most common byproducts of stress is sweat. Sweat, of course, is a perfectly normal body function helpful in cooling the body off when temperatures are really high. But that sweat, or the sweat that comes from a good physical workout, is different from sweat caused by stress. And unfortunately, stress sweat smells worse.

Why should this be? Because there are two different types of glands that create sweat. The "good" sweat from going to the gym or walking on a hot summer day is produced by what are called eccrine glands.

But the apocrine glands, which are basically located under the arms and in the midsection, are the ones that get activated when a guys is feeling stressed. Sweat from eccrine glands is mostly water, but sweat from apocrine glands has a lot of fat, lipids and proteins in it. And those ingredients are high on the list for attracting bacteria. When the bacteria feed on them, they release ammonia and fatty acids, which have strong, unpleasant smell.

Male organ odor

Since apocrine glands are located in the midsection, that means stress is going to create or add to a male organ odor situation. Manhood odor is also exacerbated because of the heat generated by wearing both underwear and trousers.

Stress relief

Working to reduce stress can help reduce sweat and consequently male organ odor. There are numerous stress reduction strategies available. A few examples include:

- Dont keep feelings bottled up. It helps to "let it all out" when dealing with stress. For some people, this may mean scheduling appointments with a mental health professional; for others, regular venting time with a buddy can do wonders.

- Get physical. Often physical exertion can decrease stress. Making time to go to the gym, go out jogging or staying at home and working out in private can do wonders. And for many people, yoga in particular can be an excellent way to deal with stress.

- Find a hobby. Doing something enjoyable can take a guys mind off stressful situations. If a hobby is too much of a commitment, go to a movie (especially a comedy) or binge watch a favorite TV series.

- Self-pleasure. Yes, a guys favorite pastime can help reduce stress by releasing "feel good" hormones.

Sometimes just reducing stress cant get rid of stubborn male organ odor, so regular use of a top notch member health crme (health professionals recommend Man1 Man Oil, which is clinically proven mild and safe for skin) is in order. Look for a crme with vitamin A, as this vitamins anti-bacterial properties are expert at fighting persistent odor. It also helps to find a crme with alpha lipoic acid, as this potent antioxidant can help strengthen manhood skin and make it more resilient.

Visit www.menshealthfirst.com for more information about treating common male organ health problems, including soreness, redness and loss of male organ sensation. John Dugan is a professional writer who specializes in men's health issues and is an ongoing contributing writer to numerous online web sites.

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