Minggu, 11 Maret 2018

Just How Boring Is Stamp Collecting

Just How Boring Is Stamp Collecting

Image source: https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEgiAgN_4Ayl7yjs0qioMua6gOlvsaj9R7FTpFdLztjN_DmWxtJE5qDpWy1xjFrO0iZESJRkP3huXsBK3uuZimlYn5RCc9tQYnlSF5G5YBYUOOqhS7e1c_dEY1r8P6NNaSNflsHd03KpB36b/s1600/Superman-Stamp.jpg

Just How Boring Is Stamp Collecting

It is definitely not the most glamorous and it can be extremely difficult to see how stamp collecting can appeal to anyone, but believe it or not it is one of the biggest hobbies in the world.

Your probably sat reading this thinking there is no way in hell that stamp collecting interests me, but you never know when it will just catch up with you and trap you forever. It might just start with someone giving you a gift of two or three interesting stamps, then next thing you know you require another and another and before you know it you're a collector. This is actually how my mother's thimble collection started, no Joke. She never dreamed of becoming the thimble collector and now has hundreds.

If you look at it this way, all stamp collecting needs is a celebrity like GaGa to admit she is a stamp collecting vulture and within a day it will be the trendiest thing since thick rimmed glasses. I think if it's made retro, cool and fashionable the crowds will flock.

What's good about collecting stamps is that they can collect stamps with all types of themes and interests. At the moment the Royal Mail are offering a Thomas the Tank engine collector stamps. This would be perfect for hooking them in young. Engaging children at an early age and developing an interest in stamp collection that could be vital. Let's be honest how many of us love nostalgia and the excitement when we come across a sweet shop that sells retro sweets from our childhood. If Children get involved then there may be a bigger chance they will remain interested when older.

If you love to travel, then stamp collecting is perfect for keepsakes and are totally easier to fit into your suitcase than any pebble or seashell. No matter where you visit, all countries offer stamps that represent history, culture and world affairs and they are definitely a lot easier to remember where you picked it up than an old piece of drift wood.

Stamp collecting is now seen as the new cure for the modern stress of everyday life. It's the perfect way to distress after a hard day in the office. Many a peaceful evening could be spent filling the holes in your albums and admiring your handy work.

If you're lucky enough your little stamp collection could make you a millionaire. Stamp collecting is big business with many people swooning over rare and unusual prints. The world's most expensive stamp is the tiny 'Treskilling Yellow' which sold for over five million pounds. Trading stamps if done right can make you a comfortable little earner and making extra money is always a nice incentive to take up a new hobby.

So grab yourself a large magnifying glass, a pair of tongs, some stamp mounts and hinges, a stamp album and a Royal Mail collectors edition because stamp collecting is nothing to be ashamed of. It is becoming the ultimate in geek chic.

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