Image source: https://cdn8.littlethings.com/app/uploads/2016/12/embeddedIMG_vaginaldischargecolors_850px_5_-600x600.jpg
What should the odor from a normal vagina discharge smell like? Well it is evident that you or maybe someone close to you may be experiencing an unusual odor coming from the genitals that has you curious. This is a good thing because signs of difference at any time in relation to the vagina should always be checked out no matter how little the change may seem. What is deemed as normal in vaginal discharge has no definite or distinct smell.
When we talk of vaginal odor it is important that a strict hygiene pact is kept because more times than not this is usually the primary reason behind a smelly vagina happening. The vagina needs to be treated like royalty so as to speak giving it the highest standard of care to keep it healthy, and especially at the time of menstruation. Unhealthy vagina`s brings odor. Throughout the menstrual cycle, it is not uncommon to see a change in vaginal discharge. Discharge particularly at this delicate time can take the form of the non-fertile, thick and gooey to the fertile, smooth clear-type discharge that occurs near to menstruation.
A question asked quite regular is how will I know if my vaginal discharge is abnormal.' There is every possibility you will know this right away should something abnormal give rise to change from what you are accustomed to seeing. Abnormal discharge usually brings itchiness, unpleasant smell, and a grey, yellow or green colored discharge. These are all typical symptoms of an abnormality in vaginal secretion, and should you experience them then see your GP.
To get the vagina back to a healthy state it will include you seeking treatment for infection if this is the cause of discharge change. Once the root cause is determined it can be treated immediately and rid. Popular infections suffered by women all around the world are bacterial vaginosis, yeast infections or trichomonas vaginitis. Regardless of skin color one female anatomy is no different to the next woman`s, and therefore all sufferings of the same condition will be the same. Nonetheless there will be differences in how each woman suffers, or copes with their problems because of variance in different aspects, however this doesn`t alter the fact that there is no vaginal infection specifically directed towards one particular woman despite her culture or origin
Can bacterial vaginosis cause a smelly discharge making the vaginal odor appear to smell abnormal? Most definitely yes is the answer. In saying this, it does not mean because you have the infection it makes you the individual abnormal.
Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is a more noted vaginal disease affecting women above yeast infections. While we have no true cause to blame for bacterial vaginosis occurring, it still remains a common condition we see as a mystery. It is a condition linked to sexual activity and douching. Research came back with, if a sexually transmitted virus that infects vaginal lactobacilli it can cause bacterial vaginosis. Vaginal lactobacilli are a much needed and vital element the body has to have because; it helps maintain a healthy pH and bacterial balance within the vagina. If this balance is given reason to upset by a virus, the vagina no longer has protection making it open to infection.
Most problems deriving from vaginal infections are caused by women themselves who encourage the condition to worsen by allowing it to go untreated for long periods of time, and this is not good at all. If bacterial vaginosis is not treated within a safe period it can lead to pelvic inflammatory disease, tubal pregnancy, or, pre-term labor if you are pregnant.
Bacterial vaginosis does not implement a normal discharge or one with a natural smell.
Symptoms that show BV is most likely the issue.
Increased vaginal discharge
Vaginal odor fishy smelling
White or grey milky discharge
Yeast infection
Antibiotics, giving birth, suffering from diabetes, or wearing tight clothes around the crotch; raise the risk of an overgrowth of vaginal yeast - resulting in discomfort, which can be either severe or mild depending on the seriousness of the case. More women today are successfully treating their own yeast infections at home with over the counter creams purchased from the chemist. These same women have said they seen a major improvement in their condition after cutting down on sugar also. Remember this when wanting to prevent yeast infection.
Yeast infection symptoms: Clotted cheese like texture
Skin irritation
Trichomonas vaginitis
Trailing behind BV and yeast infections we have Trichomonas. Trichomonas vaginitis is a sexually transmitted infection caused by a tiny single-celled parasite.
Trichomonas symptoms:
Excessive loss of vaginal discharge
Possible itching
Yellow-green discharge
Whatever the infection it is best if the nether regions are left undressed to ensure the vagina and anus is getting enough air. The cooler you keep this space the better it is all round for many things. Instead of wearing pantyhose wear knee-high stockings and replace synthetic fabric with cotton and by doing this the genitals get to breathe - helping to clear up infection quicker.
With thrush it is not the actual discharge that is the real problem for women but that of skin irritation and itching, and depending on severity the burning and soreness. Thrush discharge is not normally smelly and appears whitish.
Although we don`t link cystitis to a vaginal discharge it is however a regular disorder.
Mild cystitis occurs when there are no bacteria but the bladder has suffered irritation. There are many reasons why women get cystitis, and like most other vaginal issues it mainly boils down to using scented soaps, perfumed deodorants, or from irritation caused during sexual intercourse. Beverages such as coffee, alcohol and acidic fruit juices reason our urine to be acidic leading to irritation of the bladder.
Symptoms may include:
Severe burning and stinging feel when urinating
Wanting to urinate frequently passing little
A feeling that the bladder is not fully emptied
Vaginal discharge when it first ever appears is usually free of infection or other, and your judgment should be based on this when looking for abnormalities. If discharge changes in color texture and consistency from the day 1 showing, then this could say that your vaginal discharge is not normal.
How to treat your own Vaginal Yeast Infection and best solution to rid Vaginal Odor