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Growing a grape has been a long held tradition especially in Europe and the west. Westerners have been growing grapes from one generation to another. Growing grapes has evolved from mere planting to becoming a science and an art at the same time. When one says he would grow grapes, what comes into mind is a vast vineyard or at least a wide garden. But now growing a grape does not actually need very wide space. Some have been growing grapes from pots.
The method of growing a grape from a pot began in Victorian gardens. Growers, in their efforts to supply grapes throughout the year, devised this method. Aside from keeping a greenhouse, they also grew them in pots by growing grapes from pruned stems or vines.
In growing a grape in a pot, a grape cane can be taken from the main vine without detaching it, and grownin a pot. Since it is still attached to the vine it can produce fruit, but it would also grow roots in the pot. The moment the fruit ripens, the potted vine can be cut off from the main vine. The potted vine can be used as a centerpiece where fresh grapes can be picked straight from the plant.
Growing grapes from pots does not only have ornamental purposes. It can also be an alternative for growing grapes directly in the ground. Though grape vines may be big plants, their roots do not consume much space. Growing a grape in a pot is already enough.
Another method of growing grapes from pots is to plant pruned stems directly in containers. This method would need pruned stems of about 12 to 18 inches. The stem should be cut according to specifications: straight at the bottom and slanting on top. But this method gives fewer yields compared to the previous one. The flat end should be planted down and one node should be kept just above the soil.
The method of growing grapes from pots allows growers to move it from one place to another. This means that the grapes grown in pots can be easily protected from changes in weather conditions.
The following tips should be considered when growing a grape in a pot:
- Grapes grow well in moist, silt loam soil types. Grapes don't need so much fertilizer. It is usually enough to give the vines fertilizers with low nitrogen content at least thrice for every growing season. Fertilizers should not be given by mid-summer to slow down the growth of the vine and give way to the fruits.
- Even if one is growing grapes from pots, vines still need to be trained using a trellis. Growing grapes from pots may need to be placed near walls for added support.
- Growers should prune the vine even if they're growing a grape in pots. If the vines are not pruned then they wouldn't be able to bear fruit.
Growing grapes from pots can be a rewarding hobby though growing a grape takes time and requires your tender loving care. But once you get the hang of it, you'll soon find ways on how to earn extra cash from growing a grape right in your home.