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And its exactly for this reason that you require a medium to express your feelings towards all those people you love and care for, so they know just how much they mean to you, and how important their love and well-being is to you.
Surely, the best way of expressing your deepest feelings is to remember all those special occasions in the lives of friends and family, and to send greeting cards filled with meaningful words words which express exactly the true feelings you have in your heart.
These words may be romantic, funny, sad, jovial the choice is limitless and will vary depending on the occasion.
Nowadays, many of you will enjoy the increasingly popular hobby of making your own greetings cards.
Or, perhaps you buy attractive cards of a general nature that can be used for all occasions, but that dont have verses or poems inside?
On the other hand, you may download your cards from the internet and print them off yourselves.
If any of this applies to you, and if youre short of time for writing poetry, or feel you lack the ability, the internet is also a great place to find free poems - for all occasions. Youll discover free love poems, free Christmas poems, anniversary and birthday poems, baby shower poems the list is endless.
Just choose a suitable verse and carefully write the poetic words in the greetings card. Even if the card already has a verse, a personalized poem or couple of lines will make the recipient feel extra-special and will be much appreciated.
Youll find free poems to send on the Independence Day of your particular country, on the birthdays of your father, mother, sons, daughter, wife, husband, beloved, friends, boss anyone, in fact. For weddings, anniversaries, mothers day, fathers day you can even congratulate someone on their divorce!
On Valentines Day, youll surely wish to give a lot of thought to get your verse just right. And, at Christmas, youll need a wide variety of verses to fit the person to whom youre sending the card some will be more formal, whilst others will be to people dear to your heart but whom you may not have seen for some time.
Expressing your feelings in this way to relatives, friends, lovers, and love ones will give the recipients a great deal of pleasure and leave them with a warm glow.
People will appreciate the thought and effort youve put in to make an event special. Youll touch the core of their hearts by this small gesture of sending poetic verses, and it will make their world a better and cheerier place.
But there are other reasons why greetings cards and the verses and poetry inside them are so important in particular for two kinds of people.