Kamis, 18 Januari 2018

Why You Should Get a Vape Stater Kit and Start Vaping!

Why You Should Get a Vape Stater Kit and Start Vaping!

Image source: https://slimvapepen.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/08/Purple_Evod_Vape_Starter_Kit-1.jpg

Vaping has become this generations biggest catch phrase. Vapers have become an entirely new genre of people sharing a similar interest.

No longer are kids smoking under the bleachers. No longer are adults needing to walk 500 feet away from their place of occupation to get a smoke break.

Vaping has become the safe middle ground that allows once-nicotine addicted individuals to appreciate the calming effects provided by the e-cigarette.

For many people, the act of smoking has always been about 2 main actions: getting a nicotine fix and appreciating the calming effects associated with the act of smoking

Vaping has taken these two driving factors of smoking and created an alternate opportunity just with a whole lot less nicotine.

Instead of waltzing into a local convenience store to browse the many choices of nicotine and tar-filled cigarettes, vapers merely need a vape starter kit and a few e-juices to fit their fancy.

Get a Vape Starter Kit and Give Vaping a Try

Save some cash

Any avid smoker knows that buying a pack or a carton of cigarettes can become wildly expensive.

Depending on how much someone smokes, those little packs of cigarettes can make a huge dent in a budget!

Not so much with vaping!

Sure. There is a startup fee, but with only needing one vape starter kit the savings begin immediately.

Become an expert

Vaping is not just a hobby or a way to unwind. Vaping has become a lifestyle choice.

Vape shops are popping up all over the world, and with those shops brings a type of vape aficionado status to those that appreciate all that vaping offers.

Knowing about vaping is one thing. Being an expert is a totally different approach to the growing vape phenomenon.

Plus, the world needs people to help clarify the differences between all the different vape starter kit options.

With names such as Smok Alien, Joyetech ATOPACK Penguin, Innokin Oceanus understanding the differences between each vape starter kit takes an expert, for sure.

Hang with other vapers

Vaping has created a new type of community for people that either once used to chain smoke or just appreciate all that vaping has to offer.

Avid smokers could always strike up a conversation while on smoke break or while standing outside of a non-smoking establishment.

The same is happening with vapers across the planet.

Stop smelling like smoke

For anyone that wanted to smoke but hated the lingering smell vaping has eliminated that issue altogether.

Once the vape starter kit has been purchased, a world of flavor awaits.

There are hundreds of thousands of different e-juices available with varying levels of nicotine as well as absolutely zero nicotine.

Thats quite a bit more variety than the typical menthol and regular flavors of a regular cigarette.

The best part NO lasting cigarette smell that sticks to clothing or skin.

Relax and enjoy life

One of the many highlights of the growing vaping population is the sheer relaxation of appreciating the e-cigarette lifestyle.

Vaping allows people to relax and enjoy life by continuing their smoke-like actions, just without the condemnation and judgment from nonsmokers.

For anyone choosing to lead a different type of nicotine-inclusive lifestyle, and even for those that are not interested in nicotine at all grab a vape starter kit and join a revolution of relaxers.

Take a vape break and experience a whole new way to unwind and appreciate life.

Rabu, 17 Januari 2018

Where To Find RC Helicopters For Sale And What To Look For

Where To Find RC Helicopters For Sale And What To Look For

Image source: http://i01.i.aliimg.com/wsphoto/v0/548190041/Hot-sale-Promotion-6pc-Great-avatar-bigger-33cm-QS8008-4CH-Metal-Frame-Gyro-RC-RTF-Helicopter.jpg

RC helicopters are a growing trend in the hobby world. They offer enjoyment for both kids and adults, both in the flying of them and, for the enthusiast, the building and customization. But buying an RC helicopter can be a pricey investment, so the potential buyer should make sure to understand what they are buying and where to find exactly what it is that suits them best.

Finding RC helicopters for sale is a fairly easy task. The complication comes in deciding whether what one store has for sale is best for the individual buying. Hobby stores are a great place to find RC helicopters, as are online hobby sites. These sites often contain a great deal of information as well, allowing the buyer to browse through the different options. Some sites are even devoted purely to helicopters, and thus provide the greatest variety of options. Major toy stores also carry RC helicopters, though the selection may be more oriented to the casual flyer or towards cheaper-end products that are better for kids rather than the devotee. Auction sites are good places to find RC helicopters for sale, but this may leave the buyer settling as opposed to getting exactly what they want.

When shopping, a potential buyer should be aware of the various options available to them and the relevance of these options. The prices of RC helicopters can vary greatly depending on the size and quality. Larger copters are going to require more fuel, and usually gas as opposed to the electricity that smaller copters use. Larger copters are much easier to control. Larger copters are also more expensive. The amount of money that the buyer is willing to pay should reflect their interest in the hobby. If the hobby is just going to be part-time, then buying a larger and more expensive copter might not be the best idea. There is the issue of how much the buyer wishes to customize the copter as well. A small, electric, and pre-built copter would be an excellent choice for a childs birthday present, but a poor choice to an RC devotee.

RC helicopters can be quite fun, but a new buyer should definitely do their homework before making a commitment. Being aware of how seriously one is going to take the hobby allows the buyer to pick and choose the options that suit them best. This can save a lot of time, grief, and money in the long run. If unsure, buying a smaller copter and trying it out might be the best way to go. If the hobby turns into a passion then a larger copter will be easier to purchase when the buyer understands more about what they like in their machine. Finding RC helicopters for sale is easy, but buying the right one a little less so. Knowledge is the key to making the right decision and maximizing ones enjoyment.

What Makes a Good Fiction Book

What Makes a Good Fiction Book

Image source: http://ps79q.wikispaces.com/file/view/Story%20Path.png/498799340/560x435/Story%20Path.png

In fiction, the writers job is to entertain, to draw an emotional response from the reader. The reader is often looking for suspense, action, and to go on a journey they have not been on before, one they will not easily forget. Readers want to get drawn into and experience the story for themselves. They want characters they can relate to and form a personal connection with. But most importantly, they want a good book. One that leaves them anxiously awaiting each turn of the page.
Here are three crucial elements of a good fiction book:

Well-developed characters: The characters in the book must be well developed and believable. The characters should remind you of your teacher, your lawyer, your doctor, or maybe even your best friend. Even though they are fictional, they come alive for us in the story.

Action: A good fiction book needs to be filled with action. The good guys are after the bad guys, the doctor needs to find a cure. From the beginning to the end, the reader cant bear to stop reading because the action just keeps coming.

Great Plot: The writer keeps the reader guessing right to the end by using surprising, realistic plot twists. Just when we think we know who did it bam a new twist creeps up and a story involves more. As we near the end we wonder if there is time to solve it. Will it have a happy ending? Most readers long for a good ending to their story as they grow fond of the characters in the book and want to see the best happen to them.

For those looking for a good fiction book to read, one that stands out is the fiction thriller, Sledgehammer, by Paulo J. Reyes, M.D (http://www.pauloreyes.com). This book has a well-developed story that takes place in an ER in Los Angeles. The author, an ER Doctor himself, depicts the ER setting perfectly as patients appear and seek treatment and case after case of medical drama unfolds. The story takes you hour by hour through life in this ER until the unthinkable happens and one of the patients appears with smallpox symptoms. What happens next is fiction at its finest and leaves you eagerly asking, Could it happen today?

Writers write about what they know. They can bring the sounds, colors, and images of their world to life in their story. Fiction is where writers get the opportunity to bring you into that world and keep you there until, the end.


Diana Ennen is the Publisher of the fiction book, Sledgehammer, http://www.pauloreyes.com and http://www.virtualwordpublishing.com. Article is free to be reprinted as long as bio remains intact.

Want to Become a Videographer Its Easier Than You Think

Want to Become a Videographer Its Easier Than You Think

Image source: http://www.azquotes.com/picture-quotes/quote-i-sing-with-all-my-heart-and-when-i-see-the-audience-feel-it-too-i-feel-so-touched-i-taeyang-64-29-69.jpg

Want to Become a Videographer? Its Easier Than You Think

Sometimes, you see art in your day to day. The bird eating a lone chip on the beach, the windsurfer falling over and then getting right back up again, the way the sunset lights up the ocean- you want to record every second.

Why dont you?

Its not hard to become a videographer. It may seem daunting to those unfamiliar with videography gear and tech, but it can be learned quickly and you can teach yourself.

Keep reading for a few simple steps to set you on your path to become a videographer.

Tips To Become A Videographer

Gear Up

First things first: you need to get geared up.

Something as simple as an iPhone will do, but if you really want to take your hobby to the next level, think about buying a videography bundle like this one on Buydig. Professional gear will take you from casual hobbyist to bona fide videographer as fast as you can say free two-day shipping.

Bundles are the quickest, easiest way to jumpstart your videography. By taking the plunge and investing in everything you need up front, you wont have any excuses to put your videography on the back burner until you buy that tripod, or that new lens.

The best way to get ahead is to get started.

Practice Makes Perfect

Until you become more comfortable behind the camera, it might not seem like second nature to bring it everywhere with you.

It needs to be.

The best way to hone your artistic viewpoint is to figure out what it is in the first place. And the best way to figure that out?

Trial and error.

Bring your video camera along with you everywhere you go, if you can. When you see something that catches your eye, record it. When you get home, sort through your footage from the day, saving things that worked and scratching the rest.

After a few weeks, you should have a nice little portfolio built up of interesting shots. Put them together to get a feel for your personal brand as a videographer.

Do you focus on little details or the bigger picture? Are you captivated by colors or sounds?

These questions will begin to answer themselves through your practice.

Dont Be Afraid

Dont be afraid to voice your new hobby to your friends, family, and social media outlets. It can be intimidating to start a new venture, but asking for support from your community can help prop you up and legitimize you to potential clients.

There are always going to be better and worse videographers than you. Dont get caught up in comparing your work with others. Show your work proudly, and dont be scared to book your first gig!

If you keep practicing, it wont be your last!

Why Become a Videographer?

Videography is an essential tool nowadays for boosting business. Its not easy for businesses to create their own video content- this is where you come in.

Once you get your videography biz up and running, youll want to keep on growing! Focus on your marketing. 87% of online marketing incorporates video content.

Sign up for free for web tools and marketing resources to help grow your newfound videography business!

Selasa, 16 Januari 2018

Vision boards and why we need them

Vision boards and why we need them

Image source: http://beingencouraged.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Vision-Board1.jpeg

Vision Boards are not only boards made of cork, or physical objects, rather, an explanation of your feelings into a single area which scrutinizes on the life experience.

It is a symbol of expressing the encompassed existence and your future goals. You can clearly develop your aim by clarity you get from the dream board. It keeps on reminding you about the images resembling the things you have, and that you need to acquire. Whatever is the most important in your life, you can make a portfolio on the vision board and create a dynamic look out of it.

The need of vision boards in human life:

We, humans, are very busy in our day to day life and we easily get distressed by the disturbances. The thing is that we need something which can hold us for life long to complete our aim. This board is not only for the decoration purpose of the fascinating things which can bring some glory to your life. It is also the way to explicit your thinking and goals which are the most important points of your life.

It shows your habit or hobby which can be vital for the awareness of the dreams. You can involve all the stuff that can be essential for your lifeblood. Suppose if you have a passion for travel and you want to explore every corner of the world then you can add some quality pictures of the places you want to visit. One more name for vision board is dream board. It maps all the qualities of the to-do list, and it is a source to keep your aim generative. Here are some uses of vision board in our day to day life:

#1 Lucid concept of your life:

This board gives you some articulateness about your life. In many phases of our life, we always are confused regarding the aim or needs. We always say that we need a better and wonderful life, but we are not particular about the needs and techniques which can be used for the improvement of our dreams. To get it more modified, we can blueprint the images which are related to our goals on the vision board.

This board offers you the shortcut way to be connected to your passion. Likewise, we used to store some memories in our childhood with the help of scrapbook; we can create a picture of our prospects in the form of a vision board.

#2 An aid to motivation:

Your inspiration is your daily dose which will help you in moving ahead towards your dreams. Vision boards are not only limited to images that feature the aspiration. They can also include all the triggering facts or phrases which can provoke the most. This can include the entire daily basis pronouncements which are your habitual.
To be more confident and influential towards your dream, you can highlight your invoice and internal motivation. Your goals will be noteworthy if you build them up in the correct way. You can write the names of the people who commove you at every point of life and the need to get the specified intent to make your dreams come true.

#3 Beginning of the day:

Its tough to make your day awesome just by remembering the facts which you read yesterday night. When we are not able to put all our efforts into our hard work, then we can write our points which can remind us that we are no less than others and we deserve a lot. Your attitude shows your personality. It becomes easy to deal with dozens of issues which are not solved by our understanding but with our remembrances. It is an everlasting experience which will be with you carrying all the intentions and attributes that are helpful for your future improvement.

Learn to create a Vision Board:

1. Set up a clear mind goal:

Most of us have various types of goals in our life, and we get confused whether which should be prioritized. But to improve our clarity, we can write it on the vision board and let our dreams be specified. We can also choose the paths which should be followed while programming our die hard passion.

2. Be questionable:

Before the things get started, we have to frame some questions to our self to make some detailed plans. If we fail at any point of our life, we can quickly move out with our other plans. You can never rely on the guess that one proper certified program can take you to your destiny. We should always have a backup plan.

3. Selection of the suitable theme:

Depending on your goals and images, you can choose a befitting theme which will add some starts to your vision board. A person cant have a single dream which can be enclosed directly on one board. Instead, you can add more boards to all your dreams and work on it daily. Make sure that you fix the idol on your board.

4. Enumeration of relevant images:

Inspirational pictures and words will make your day with all the greetings that can make your board more observable. In fact, if you need not show it in front of others, you can keep it secret and safe from others. Your goals are stable and colorful as you.

5. Place it at the most visible location:
Have a keen eye on the board which is remarkable and uses your eyesight to be live every day. There should be something which will perturb you for every single plan you have decided to attain.

6. Be honest:

Last but not the least- you need, to be honest with yourself when it comes to your dreams. Nobody can know you better than you so be genuine with your thinking and plans. You can raise your volume and goals with the help of high-quality inspirational sayings.

The difference that vision board makes in your life:

Once your vision board is completed, you can figure out the slope which you have implemented from the day one to the last day till you have reached your destiny. One interesting thing you may be unaware about is that the law of attraction merges with the dream board to make life more reasonable. The thoughts which are displayed on the board will be attracted to you whenever you will have the eye contact.

Closing Thought:

Acknowledge the future changes, your present changes, and improvement you desired to be in your life. Have a look at both the times whenever you are rising and sleeping off. This board will help you to analyze the change you have encountered till now. It is a beautiful way to keep your goals alive.

Uncover 5 Surprising Facts About Vape Oils

Uncover 5 Surprising Facts About Vape Oils

Image source: https://www.vaporized.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/vape-shlurp-original.png

Vape oils, and CBD vape oils, in particular, are taking the vaping world by storm.

CBD vape oil is a concentrated type of Cannabidiol. Its made into a liquid form so that it can be warmed and breathed through an E-Cigarette, vape pen or vaporizer.

It can be bought as a one-time use cartridge for your vape pen, or as a bottle to refill your vaporizer.

So, whats so great about CBD vape oil?

5 Great Benefits of CBD Vape Oils

1. It Is Totally Legal.

Even though vape oil sometimes called vape juice is a type of Cannabidiol, it is NOT marijuana. It comes from hemp and contains CBD and not THC, so therefore it is legal. You can find it at reputable stores and on websites. There are some that even offer free vape juice!

2. Its Good For Pain.

It could be just plain old pain from working out too much or climbing a dangerous mountain on a dare. But the pain could be from something more serious.

During times of stress, our bodies can get thrown out of balance and can become primed for disease. And in many cases, where theres disease, theres pain.

CBD vape oil is one of the newer but proven methods to alleviate the side effects of pain as a result of arthritis, inflammation, diabetic nerve pain, spasms, gastroparesis, IBS, and even cancer and cancer treatment.

3. And Its Good for the Brain.

Serotonin receptors have a huge role in depression, but they also affect other processes such as sleep, addiction, and nausea. CBD is naturally drawn to serotonin receptors.

Once the CBD is bound to those receptors, it serves to slow down signaling. This is essentially the same thing that antidepressants do and results in a relaxed response.

CBD can also inhibit the reuptake of certain neurotransmitters. By competing with other molecules, CBD encourages the body to raise the endocannabinoid levels in the synapses of the brain.

Through this flooding of the synapses, it seems that CBD works against epilepsy and seizures as well.

4. You Cant Overdose on It.

Taking a high dose or concentration does not run the risk of overdose.

It should be noted though that time should be spent finding just what constitutes the most effective dosage for you. Many people do not seem to get the benefits if they take too low a dose.

Since each person has a different metabolic process, how much is right for one person can vary significantly from whats the correct dosage for another. There is no universal normal CBD dose.

5. Youll Pass A Drug Test.

But only if its CBD vape oil from natural hemp plants that contain active CBD. You do not want CBD vape oils from cannabis.

If your job requires random drug testing, this is a very important distinction. So if youre ever offered a CBD vape oil from an unreliable source, just remember that some CBD vape oils come from cannabis.

That means they contain THC and that could show up on a drug test. So if you arent sure, dont mess with it.

Do you think youre ready to explore the fascinating new world of CBD vape oils? Try them out and see. They could be just what you need for whatevers ailing you.

Trends in Golf Fashion in 2010

Trends in Golf Fashion in 2010

Image source: https://inveinclothing.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/school-spirit-trends-fashion-spring-summer-20101.jpg

No longer a male dominated sport, golfs reputation for tacky fashion is being offset by its current fashion trends. As more women discover a love of the hobby, golf has suddenly become fashionable. Women love to look good, especially on the country club green, so golf fashions have responded in kind. Fashion is central to todays golf clothing styles. For a look at the latest, here are some of the hottest golf fashion trends for 2010.

Taking the appeal of the skirt with the functional coverage of shorts, skorts take spring time style to a whole new level. They are extremely comfortable and great for warm weather, and you dont have to worry about exposing too much when you lean to get the ball. Trendy yet sensibly comfortable, skorts make the perfect outfit for the green. Blue leopard embroidery can add color for unique style. Skorts dont have limits to the color and styles they come in, so you can always find one that fits the style of your game. Or, you could always invest in a pair of nice golf pants for ladies,if you'd rather not show off your legs.

Leopard Wild
The perfect way to go wild this year, leopard colors dont set the limit to style or the accessories you can get with them. Leopard putter covers offer stylish protection for your clubs and really set them apart on the green. A blue leopard scarf makes the perfect hair tie to keep the wind out of your eyes while adding color to your game. Leopard scrunchies stylize the wildness of any pony tail. Keeping the sweat from your eyes, leopard headbands are functional and look good too.

Reversible Vests
A single game of golf can involve a variety of weather patterns. A vest is a perfect way to add an extra layer while still looking stylish on the green. Reversible vests are very popular this year simply because they offer twice the fashion possibility. You can switch your vest to match the style of any given game. Vests provide the added layer of warmth while complementing your style.

Fashion Incentive
With so many different fashions available when it comes to golf clothing, you really just need to find the style that suits you best. As golf has become your hobby, dont be afraid to make it a fashionable one as well. You play a better game of golf when you look good and feel at the top of your game.

Senin, 15 Januari 2018

Top Selling Christmas Gifts For Women

Top Selling Christmas Gifts For Women

Image source: https://lpv-8d72.kxcdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/11/150-Amazing-Christmas-Gift-Ideas-for-Women-2.jpg

The list of top selling Christmas gifts doesnt really vary much from year to year, and yet, every year its the same old story: Suddenly its Christmas time and we are racing around desperate to find last minute Christmas gifts.

This year, be kind to yourself. Get in early, make a list and buy a few presents whenever you can. Use the ideas in this article to help you along.

Whether you are seeking out unique Christmas gifts or want to stick to the top 10 Christmas gifts, its best to spend some time thinking about the woman you are buying for.

The worst Christmas gifts are those that have been bought with no thought or consideration to the person you are guying for. It doesnt matter how expensive it is, if its not something the woman you are buying for likes, then it is worthless.

Does she have a hobby? Is she sporty, homey or career oriented? Does she keep up with the fashions? Does she always put everyone else first?

Here are my top tips, in no particular order:

1. Lingerie: - Look for well made classy items. Choose something well designed and elegant. Something that will make her feel feminine dressed in her power suit or overalls, something she can wear anytime. The best Christmas gifts are ones that can be used, not kept for special occasions.

2. Perfume: - Perfume is always in the top 10 Christmas gifts. Fragrance can effect our emotions and attitude and no woman should have to face the world without it. Buy a gift set of mini bottles if you arent certain what she likes.

3. Day Spa: - Most women love the idea of having an hour, a few hours or any time focused ONLY on them. Vouchers for a Day Spa always make great Christmas gift ideas. She could have a massage, a facial, body treatment, or whatever else makes her feel special.

4. Jewelry: - Before you go off saying that your wife or girlfriend already has heaps of jewelry, just stop a moment. Does she really? Many women will spend money on costume or fashion jewelry, but never buy themselves pieces of real quality. That job is up to you. Look for classic pieces like tennis bracelets, fine chains with heart shaped pendants, or elegant hoop earrings.

5. Electronic Goodies: - Whoever said women dont like gadgets? Popular gift ideas are things like digital photo frames, mobile phones, iPods, digital cameras, navigational systems, or lap top computers.

6. Kitchen Equipment: - It seems like only yesterday that giving a woman a kitchen appliance for Christmas would have resulted in divorce. Now, everyone wants to get back to the kitchen. Were all into gourmet, home cooked experiences using top of the range utensils and authentic ingredients. Cookbooks by celebrity chefs, restaurant quality cooking gear, funky gadgets and gourmet ingredients all make great Christmas gift ideas.

7. Chocolates: - Do you give her chocolates every year? Well this year youre going to give her chocolates she wont forget. Sign her up for a Chocolate of the Month Club so she gets to enjoy a taste of gourmet, handmade chocolates for the whole year!

8. Handbag: - If your wife or girlfriend has one of those handbags that look like an emergency survival kit designed to see a family of 8 through a nuclear holocaust, then you may hesitate before buying her a sleek designer bag. Just remember, inside every fat bag there is a skinny bag crying to be let out. Shell thank you for it.

9. Art or Ornaments: - Women love to decorate their homes to create an inviting space. Look for something that will suit her current dcor. If she has loads of knick knacks and country style furniture, then choose a painting or print of a landscape in a wooden frame. If she favors modern furniture and clear surfaces, then go for a modern abstract. Ornaments also need to suit and lift what she already has. Go for hand blown glass, hand carved wood or top quality porcelain.

10. Stationery: - Personally, I believe you can never have too much stationery. No woman should be without a beautiful set of notepads, diary, and folders. To make your gift truly special, add a good quality pen that you have had engraved with her name or a message that she will treasure.

The list of top ten Christmas presents never fail to please women. You know the woman you are buying for, so you can judge which items are most likely to please her.

Stick to the tried and true list of top selling Christmas gifts for women and stop stressing over what presents to buy. Now dont be fooled into thinking you have heaps of time to shop, remember, Christmas is coming!

Tips For Bass Fishing Tackle

Tips For Bass Fishing Tackle

Image source: http://peacock-bassfishing.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/peacock-bass-fishing-lure-techniques.jpg

Many say that only those people who live along the seashore get fond of fishing. Most working individuals who live in the cities find more interest to go fishing particularly during weekends when they tend to have their rest after a long week pressure in work.

It is true that some of the people consider it as their source of living but others find pleasure in it, so finally they will realize to just make it as their hobby. Don't you know that most of the people who are getting into it even spend a lot of money just to buy the necessary equipments for fishing? It includes the baits, fishing rod and even the boats that they prefer to use when they go fishing. Some would even make it as their collections.

Talking about fishing as a hobby and just to give you finer points about it, there are lots of information about bass fishing that you can surf in the net.

Lots of boxes full of lures and baits can be found when you deal about bass fishing. They had been used once or twice and sometimes anglers would suddenly realize that these lures would serve its purpose anyway, so they shouldn't regret even though they spend a lot of money just to purchase such stuffs.

If this is your motivation for most of your lure purchases, then before you walk into the tackle shop again and spend some more of your hard earned money, you may want to take some advices first from someone who has been there and done that, so you wouldn't spare any regret in the end.

Most of the anglers usually go to their favorite tackle departments and try to check on the different selections of offerings that they are thinking and planning to purchase. One of the examples of the things that you can realize after visiting your most favorites tackle department is that, fisherman should take it more significantly to look at their lures as tools and not as toys.

Moreover, aside from the necessity of knowing the right tool to be used, for a successful and dedicated bass fisherman, it is a significant consideration that they must try to know the proper manner of using it and under which conditions.

To give you a clear picture on it, here is a very basic instance. Just try to consider this scenario, if a miner is hired to drill a tunnel through bedrock, it would be unproductive to use a bit that is designed to drill through sand or topsoil. Everything must conform under the proper condition.

Now, obviously the same analysis applies to bass fishing, remember that lures are intended to be used in certain situations and conditions. To throw jerk bait with three sets of treble hooks on to a mat of floating moss is the same as attempting to drill through granite with a sand bit. You have to use the proper tool for the conditions at hand.

Lure are used to catch fish but you must bear in mind that by simply throwing your lures in the water, it is already a guarantee that the fish will get near to you and take the lure as you wish. Bass Fishing needs a lot of considerations, such as the weather condition, the season, the type of body of water (be it natural lake, reservoir etc.). This is just the right time that you will determine where the fish can be found and the time when you can decide on the right lure to be used.

This may seem like a lot of thinking to do on a day of recreating. But of course, the more time you spend on the water, practicing these techniques starts to become second nature and you'll spend much less time organizing expensive lures that don't seem to work. This is already a big help for you anyway.

Remember that there is no substitute for experience, as the saying goes, and there is no opportunity better than fishing to prove that maxim true. So the next time you are in the tackle shop, stop for a minute and think about what you are doing, do not do things without even thinking about it.

The Top 10 Model Train Shops in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan

The Top 10 Model Train Shops in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan

Image source: https://farm7.static.flickr.com/6026/5924986830_33c1512554_b.jpg

There are fantastic model railroading hobby shops all across the United States. These stores all look like a lot of fun to visit, but what are the most popular? Here is a list for the states of Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan.
The most popular model railroading shops (based on online chatter) in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan are:

10. Steve's Train City in Hopkins, Minnesota

9. Scale Model Supplies in Saint Paul, Minnesota

8. Only Trains in Buffalo, Minnesota

7. Just For Fun Hobbies and Comics in Lansing, Michigan

6. Brasseur Electric Trains in Saginaw, Michigan

5. Sommerfeld's Trains and Hobbies in Butler, Wisconsin

4. Hobby World USA in Brighton, Michigan

3. Rider's Hobby Shop in Flint, Michigan and Grand Rapids, Michigan

2. Whistle Stop Hobby and Toy in Saint Clair Shores, Michigan

...and the most popular shop for model trains in Minnesota, Wisconsin, or Michigan is...

1. Hub Hobby in Richfield, Minnesota and Little Canada, Minnesota

Hobby shops not quite making my top 10 were Wild Bill's Trains in Clinton Township, Michigan; A and E Railroad in Thief River Falls, Minnesota; Becker's Model Railroad Supply in New Brighton, Minnesota; Carrs Hobby in Duluth, Minnesota; Flotsam and Jetsam Books and Model Trains in Cook, Minnesota; Hobby Hut in Moorhead, Minnesota; Three Rail Trains in Coon Rapids, Minnesota; Hiawatha Hobbies in Waukesha, Wisconsin; and RCSLOT in Franklin, Wisconsin.

So, there are clearly many great model railroading shops all over Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, with all three states having stores in the top five. Michigan had the most with five in the top ten, but Minnesota had four - and also had the number one spot.

When in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan be sure to visit some of the excellent railroading museums including Durand Union Station in Durand, Michigan; Michigan Transit Museum in Mount Clemens, Michigan; End-O-Line Railroad Park and Museum in Currie, Minnesota; Gopher State Railway Museum in Shakopee, Minnesota; Lake Superior Railroad Museum in Duluth, Minnesota; Minnesota Transportation Museum in Saint Paul, Minnesota; Old Depot Railroad Museum in Dassel, Minnesota; Twin City Model Railroad Museum in Saint Paul, Minnesota; East Troy Electric Railroad Museum in East Troy, Wisconsin; Fennimore Railroad Historical Society Museum in Fennimore, Wisconsin; Mid-Continent Railway Historical Society in North Freedom, Wisconsin; National Railroad Museum in Green Bay, Wisconsin.

I compiled this list by searching for the hobby shops listed on a number of search engines and ranking them by the number of web pages, discussion forums, photos, videos, etc that are available online. I further screened this list to include only pages that mentioned model railroading.

See a complete list of Model Train Shops in Minnesota, Wisconsin, and Michigan, at www.ModelTrainsWithLarry.com which has complete contact information for each shop including an address, phone number, and map to the store.

Minggu, 14 Januari 2018

The Irish in Early Pennsylvania

The Irish in Early Pennsylvania

Image source: http://data2.collectionscanada.gc.ca/ap/a/a010254-v6.jpg

In the early years of Pennsylvania, the Penn family invited settlers of all kinds to colonize the state. To this call, responded many Irish, mostly from the northern Irish provinces. The massive Irish emigration was unexpected and they were not the most respected people. But it was too late to retract the open immigration policy. The Irish settled in the counties of Chester, Lancaster, Northampton and Northumberland. As well, a large population settled along the Maryland line in the area disputed between the Penns and Lord Baltimore. This land was suitable to squatters, which many of the Irish were, because it was not yet for sale and was considered hard to govern, given the land dispute.

Beginning in the early 1700s German emigration from the Palatinates on the Rhine brought large, strong, community orientated, industrial groups to the same Pennsylvania counties of which the Irish had already immigrated to. These Germans were known for prejudice against the Irish whom they considered not suitable to be colonist. As well, the Quaker proprietors of Pennsylvania considered most of the Irish to be stubborn squatters, as many of them truly were. Quarreling was abundant.

The Irish, bowing to some of this pressure, as well as being generally hardy, stubborn and bold people, gradually began migrating west or south-west. The Irish were known for being intolerant of Indians, as well as against others who had any prejudice against them, and so disputes were many. In the mid 1700s the disturbances between Germans and Irish encouraged the Pennsylvania proprietors and administrators to convince Germans to migrate to the eastern part of the state and the Irish to migrate westward.

Large parts of York County were settled by these migrating Irish, and later many of the settlements became a part of Adams County which is largely Irish today. A little later they began migrating west along the Juniata River and over the Alleghany mountains. Since this was prior to land settlement agreements reached between the Penn family and the native Indians, this caused more disturbances between the Irish and the Indians.

Eventually one disputed area after another was settled, and treaties made, much of the time just after very violent skirmishes between the Irish and the Indians. It seemed that as soon as an area was officially settled, the Irish would again migrate westward to yet more unsettled territory. When the Pennsylvania counties west of the Allegheny River were official declared and mapped, the Irish had already been there for some time. During this same period, many of the Irish joined military ranks and fought in the Revolutionary War. They were known as tough and ready fighters.

In 1795, owing to a ratified treaty made by General Wayne and the Indians, it became safer to cross the Allegheny River and settle lands there. The bold, ever curious Irish were the first to rush into this area in mass and begin families and farms. It wasnt long until most of western Pennsylvania, near the Ohio border, was predominantly Irish and Scotch-Irish. The migration of the Irish across the state was complete.

Tarotscope Happenings - Zodiac Tarot for September 2009

Tarotscope Happenings - Zodiac Tarot for September 2009

Image source: https://thetarotreader.files.wordpress.com/2011/08/zodiac-tarot.jpg

Mystical messages and spiritual guidance from the wisdom of the Intellectual and Intuitive Tarot ~based on what I sense without sugarcoatin' my interpretations into a 'fantasy fairy tale', (because life isn't always pretty. As a problem-solver, I look for solutions, while including the good, the bad, and the ugly. To deepen the meaning, include your rising sign. If you were born in the evening, you may feel more comfortable reading your Moon sign.

VIRGO (August 23-September 22) Knight of Wands: Happy Birthday Virgo! A new inner flame lights the torch for a new journey this month, as faithful allies and your own inner spirit leads you toward new exciting ventures and fresh beginnings! You have completed necessary tasks, while learning hard lessons from obstacles that have been laid before you during the past months. You have redeemed yourself in ways that no one else could have done for you, as you have earned both inner strength and wisdom during this course. Your Virgo energy has been renewed, and you have a free "get out of jail' coupon with a chance to better your self, your relationships, your career, and other areas that may tend to ned fixing. Others will complimenting you this month, and you will notice a 'change' about yourself in the mirror, as your skin begins to 'glow'. You're feeling stronger and competent, your tummy problems should be easing up, and you're ready to expose yourself to the world! Consider trying a new look to update your personal image. Shades of gold and ruby red are favorable to compliment your reborn vitality! A new friend enters your life, with so many similarities existing between the two of you, it's no wonder that the two of you will feel like you can take on the world as the latest crime-fighting heroes! Maybe the two of you will parade your new friendship around town, or team up at work to knock the socks off of your satisfied clients! As long as you hold on tightly to the knowledge that you have gained during the past months, you can only expect further your advancement in the world, and watch your money and your work grow! Ask for a promotion, take on new clients, or start a new career on the first or fourth week of this month. Your confidence is beaming with sunshine, and it is time to put yourself into action and into your dreams. Follow your powerful instincts now, and ride into the great wide yonder Virgo stallion, ride on!

LIBRA (September 23-October 22) Nine of Wands Reversed: September could be just the month that you have been waiting for Libra, to put a past situation that you have been struggling with, finally to rest. You've been wrestling with yourself about some of the past choices that you have made to protect yourself and belongings, while trying to do right by others. You will be confronted head-on from various areas in your life, where you have avoided or delayed taking action to settle things once and for all to find peace. While these disruptions may appear to create more hurdles in your life - they should actually help you to make serious choices instead, to find closure. Doubt or resistance could seep into your kind heart, as you make life-changing choices now, knowing that you will need to make genuine sacrifices to move forward. A strong sense of ego could rise, and this could stop you from making the necessary adjustments that you need to advance. Without going with the flow of this Universal shift, you could feel that more is being added to your plate now, but in reality, it's all happening to assist you in your constant indecision. While integrity has always looked good on you Libra, you will need to rely on your high standards and morals to make these important choices now. You may be a little more cautious, as if you need to protect yourself or your 'things' from others - but the struggle is not with the outside world, but within yourself. You don't have to have your guard up anymore, as everyone has moved on, and it is time for you to also move on. You only need to figure out and prioritize what is necessary as you sail on toward to new seas. Possible changes are developing in your work and money situation. Shades of forest green added into your life help attract your natural needs. Let go of the personal burdens during the next four weeks, clean out your home closets, your office drawers, and anything else that might have accumulated excess - so that you can welcome the 'new' into your life!

SCORPIO (October 23-November 21) Ten of Pentacles: Your relationship with others seems to be the main agenda for you in September Scorpio - and this could keep your plenty busy over the next thirty days. From your significant other, family members, close friends, and co-workers, you could find your time just really being overloaded in fulfilling everyone else's needs, as there seems to be a constant request for attention or advice from those surrounding you. Although this constant flow of love is coming in and out of your life, you really don't seem to mind, mostly because this activity will weigh down on some of your worries and doubts, while helping you to feel closer and needed by those you care about. Someone close to you reveals words of wisdom or an old family secret to you. Family parties, picnics, and get-together's are highlighted in September, bringing you personal security, with intimate conversation of family inheritances, ancestry gifts, and passed on traditions. Adjustments in housing or property may need to be concentrated on. It's all an extension of wealth being created, from old to new. Information of gain may also include a new addition to family, to gaining in-laws, in order to add onto your family tree. An end of a cycle, an end of an era, with a new cycle in the works Scorpio. Communications of all sorts this month, from busy phone calls to emails will be sharing news of your many blessings this month!

SAGITTARIUS (November 22-December 21) Four of Pentacles: Doors are open for you Sagittarius, but you may be too protective of the world you have created to even notice! But this September, you will really start to feel a magical change, as new people and new opportunities dance in your new life. Your slate is clean, and you will find that you are wiser and stronger, and ready for this change. You've created a stable and secure place for you and your higher self, and you're not letting anyone disrupt what you have worked so hard for. Your family, your home, and belongings are incredibly special to you (which is a big shift for freedom-loving Sagittarius). Where life had once treated you unkindly in the past, you have made amends and best friends with life once again! You will probably take steps his month to nurture these domestic feelings, with attempts to do more for your family and yourself, and possibly do some sort of remodeling or redecorating in your home. You are overwhelmed with gratitude and appreciation for what you have, but you may need to loosen your grip a bit, so that you can catch cosmic blessings that will be falling into your life! Neutral colors, along with shades of olive and chestnut flatter your inner light that is shining brightly. If you have a creative hobby or a home business, continue to work steadily and expect your profits to increase this month, to stabilize your foundation of living. You have developed a strong structure, which will help you to make some very wise decisions this month. Material favors manifest from different areas, with some being found inside your shrine.. so clean out the attic, have a garage sale, or sell items in the classifieds. Let go of what you have left, to make room for coming rewards!

CAPRICORN (December 22-January 19) Eight Of Wands: September will be filled with many activities and changes for you. What you have spent a lot of time contemplating; from updates in your home, changes in your work, shifts in your relationships - will all seem to have you scattered in all sorts of directions Capricorn, like fireworks displayed in the sky - with a little bit of you here, there, and everywhere! This might be the busiest month of the year for you, and you begin to release patterns, and experiment with new and exciting things. Normally this kind of speed can be nerve-wracking for you, as you like to think things over. Travel is highlighted, and it doesn't matter if it's long distance or locally, as it brings a new sense of freedom and optimism into your day. Your thoughts, your emotions, and your timing are all in-sync with the Universe, and whatever you touch - just may turn into gold! This busyness of the next few weeks is good for your soul, as it gives you a change of pace, a new perspective on life, and redirects your future with a new purpose! Connections with friends, romance, and family change in a BIG way as you relate more with your inner needs, realizing that money doesn't really buy you the happiness that you thought it would. Absorbed in your own energy now - you find yourself quite active in weeding out unnecessary parts of your life that haven't been a benefit for you in a long time. Yes, expect to be busy, busy, busy AND busy.?

AQUARIUS (January 20-February 18) Ten of Wands: It will be a good time to put that very intelligent mind of yours into gear now Aquarius, as September will display several signs of stagnation in your life, that causes you to feel limited with serious creative blocks and no time for others. You find yourself inconspicuously challenged, as you begin to figure out what you have avoided to face, including unfinished duties (both personal and professional) that have been a setback for you all this time. You 'wake up' to your life, and realize that there are many areas that must be fixed. Once you get into this mental focus of what needs to be concentrated on and tackled - nothing (and no one) will be able to distract your will, or sway your vision. Your mind is very aroused this month and you have plenty of energy and brilliant ideas to back you up - if you reach deep down inside of yourself. The only downfall that you may need to be aware this month, is that 'all work, and no play' will put a shadow overtop of your friends, family, and love interest - so you may need to reorganize your schedule in order to balance all that you want to take care of now. Unfortunately, Aquarians can sometimes be too focused on one specific area in your life, and if anyone tends to bother you with trivial conversation and interrupt your thought-processing, you become quickly annoyed and testy. Be sure to use your positive influences to communicate to others what you need right now in your life, with gentle words and kindness. With the right approach, you could be feeling more alive than ever - enriched with love, joy, and happiness!

PISCES (February 19-March 20) The Magician: Congratulations Pisces, it seems that in September if you haven't already learned this very powerful lesson about self-esteem, you will be sure to learn what you are capable of this month! You have experienced within the past few months (or perhaps past few years) what some may call a stroke of 'awry' luck - leaving you unsure if you have been on a path of fortune or failure, as certain areas of your life have been bittersweet, as parts of it crumbled. As much as you may not have wanted to deal with the changes, the adjustments, and the responsibilities (as many Pisces don't), you have truly being taught about how to pick up the pieces, and how to move on, all on your own two feet. The moral of this story is that through several broken areas in your life, you were being taught on how to rely on yourself and how to take charge of your own life, and not depend on others to do the work for you. You have a chance to rise from the many lows that you have experiences, to help you find your own strength and confidence - to be your own reliable self. Anything that you want to accomplish is within your grasp now, by simply reaching within, and using the tools that sit before you. Always remember the hard lessons learned, the sacrifices that were made to teach you to be self-sufficient, and be grateful for what you got from the experience. Like grapes matured for the fine wine that you are famous for... you're going for a ride for bigger and better things in coming weeks! Add canary-yellow into your life for clarity, and be ready to create some magic!

ARIES (March 21-April 19) Four of Wands Reversed: It will be important for you to step out from the lime-light Aries to take some personal time to regroup your thoughts and emotions for September. You have noticed this aura of change in the air, as this shift could be causing an erosion of the protective shell that you have once built for yourself. Changes may occur within your home or living arrangements, a movement in your place of work or school, or a shift within your personal self. This shell has been your covering, your shield from the outside world, and you're going to be making serious choices regarding who you're going to allow into your 'space' and what you need to renovate in your life to find continued happiness. This fluctuation could cause you some nervousness, as others will be able to see more of what's going on in your life, or perhaps they'll actually get to see the 'real' you. And as courageous as others may think you are, deep down you have your own shadows to deal with. This could make you quite nervous and cause you to experience some headaches. During this 'coming out' stage, you may be unsure of some of the people that you have been turning to, whole having doubts in some of the choices that you have made. There could be some minor disruptions in your home, school, or place of work if you continue to carry this sense of uneasiness - where it could be beneficial to find quality time with yourself - so that your thoughts and goals are not influenced by those around you. One thing that is very important for an Aries, is that you make genuine decisions that are not only for yourself, but also for your tribe - because Aries must feel proud and have a need to hold their head up high. Colors of rust and orange bring out a courageous side of your personality to help you gain control. It's a good time to chill with the season, and use guided mediation (if Aries can sit still for a few minutes!) to reconnect with your higher self, to ground with your natural strength, while allowing the Universe to beam its' light upon you. You will be glad that you did in weeks to come.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20) The Fool Reversed: An open door becomes available to you this month Taurus, offering you a chance to try a different path than what you have been recently following. You've been thinking about doing something a little more spontaneous, and starting fresh - and the law of the Universe has delivered what you have been thinking about! This quick jump in life can lean toward new social gatherings, new romantic interests, as well as new career changes. You may be seriously considering to take up some new classes to prepare yourself for this particular mood that you are in - or you may decide to just settle with a few courses to spruce up your resume! Either way, there is a personal desire to enhance your skills and knowledge. The only thing that you will need to do is go with the flow, and be ready for the calling - and sometimes Taurus can be much too conservative and lack spontaneity. While the need exists and grows, there is also a fear of you pulling away from your daily routine. You take life quite seriously and you may need to add shades of blue to your wardrobe to create calmness during this transition. You'll probably spend more time reviewing this idea of change, and researching it, wondering if it's really your best course of action. Doing this, you sidetrack and spend less time taking the actual steps to grow and move forward. Lucky chances are not set in stone, and don't last forever - so do your homework (because it is who you are) and take a chance to see what life is holding for you!

GEMINI (May 21-June 20) King of Wands Reversed: New days are ahead for you Gemini, and it is important for you to breathe in fresh air... and to exhale and release toxicity. You could prevent yourself from accomplishing your goals, if you keep allowing issues and individuals from your past to interfere with your happiness. It's like you're taking a walk, and rather than enjoying what's in-front of you, you keep feeling a need to look back. Possibly someone may be trying to keep you from moving forward, as they fear being left behind. If this is true of the latter, then you may need to step back from the situation, and REALLY listen to what is influencing this situation. You may continue to think that you can 'fix' the problem, but it is not your job. By releasing this heroic desire, you will be able to turn around, face your future, and find brighter days that wait for you! Changes in your work situation may be waiting for attention, as you feel this desire to gain more control. Be more creative now, try something a bit more different that what you are use to. Otherwise, you could strain yourself (possibly with others) to find success in your endeavors Gemini. Add shades of brick red into your fashion to ignite passion to keep you moving and looking forward. Your charming charisma and your ability to adapt and change with all that is around you - seems to be in the cards that you're holding to play your game! Good luck!

CANCER (June 21-July 22) Emperor Reversed: September will be testing you and your assertiveness Cancer. Someone in your circle may unknowingly be rubbing you in the wrong direction during the next few weeks, and you may feel very tempted to confront this individual to clear the air. If you approach this matter in an aggressive manner, unkind words may most likely be exchanged, leading to negative feelings. You may feel you have something to prove to defend your honor or loyalty, but you may be too sensitive to approach the problem right now. It may be necessary to exhaust some of this raw energy that you are experiencing, with journaling or an exercise program. You desire to charge in and take control of this matter but aggressive behavior always leads to aggressive responses. Pull yourself to the side and keep your distance, because those who know what you truly stand for - are the only friends who should truly matter. You will be connecting with some of your stronger friendships instead, while spending time with family members to ground with your roots. Keep yourself occupied, or frustration could add nervousness or nauseousness to that sensitive belly of yours. This month is very positive for recommitting to your self and your own morals, while developing a new creative interest or hobby, which in-return would put you back out there to meet new friends for support with changes that you are making in the coming weeks!

LEO (July 23-August 22) Ace of Wands Reversed: A new beginning is being propositioned to you this month, and there is a possibility that you could get in your own way and sabotage your chance for a life-changing experience. While this adventure could be just what you've been looking for to add some excitement and freshness into your world, a fear tends to scratch at the surface, as you consider straying from familiar territory, into the unknown. This is a calling from the Universe and a blessing in disguise, to improve your uncertain circumstances. There's a good chance that one area in your life may flop, in order for you to notice what is being introduced to you! (Leo's don't always notice what is going on around them, unless a red carpet is displayed before them, with their name written in gold to grab their attention!) This ongoing situation that you have been dealing with has been creating a challenge or insecurity within yourself - while creating doubt in that pretty Leo mane of yours. Something that you have been unhappy with, which has not been working out in your favor - no matter how much you have attempted to 'fix' it, will gently be nudged to the side, as a brand new 'break in life' is introduced - as a reminder that you do indeed have options to choose from. Be bold and reach for this Leo, as a chance for happiness is waiting tol bloom!

It's not about what cards you are dealt in life, but how you play them!

Tapatak OZ Offers the Best Tap Dance Lessons

Tapatak OZ Offers the Best Tap Dance Lessons

Image source: http://www.classicalballetcentresurrey.co.uk/wp-content/uploads/2013/07/001.jpg

Tapatak OZ is offering the one of a kind tap program that will teach you or your children how to tap dance like a pro within the very least amount of time possible.
One way or the other, we all have our hobbies some people are enjoying reading books, others are more interested in watching motion pictures as well as TV shows. Still, there are those, who are more actively engaged into the process and are choosing something all the more refreshing indeed. For instance, more and more people these days are interested in learning the tap dance syllabus.

With that said, while the market these days is pretty much filled with all kinds of different tap dance program solutions, odds are, you are going to be of looking for the best tap dance program that will not let you down and will allow you and your children to really make the most from the program within the very least amount of time possible. Well, Tapatak OZ is offering the one of a kind opportunity to make the most from your needs and requirements and for the best prices out there. With years of experience in the given area, the industrys best and most qualified experts are going to be doing their best to help you out and will make sure that you will get all the help you will need in order to learn how to tap dance properly. Furthermore, you are going to perform at the tap exams in order to get a certificate and you can turn your hobby into a career opportunity as well. The tap curriculum is being taught by the best people in the industry and they know exactly how to help you make the most from your hobby quickly, effectively and without having to invest a small fortune into the process.

Unlike many other schools that are teaching that as well, the given one prides itself because of the fact that it chooses a very different approach and a very individualized one as well. Hence, if you are looking for the best option out there, this is the choice that you will want to make indeed.

About Tapatak OZ:

Tapatak OZ is offering you the one of a kind opportunity to really make the most from your tap dance needs and will teach you or your children how to tap dance quickly and for a fair price too.

Company Name: Tapatak OZ
Address: Australia
Phone: +61 408 683 221
Email: info@tapatak-oz.com
Website: http://www.tapatak-oz.com

Sabtu, 13 Januari 2018

Six Things Your Life Coach Doesn't Want You To Know

Six Things Your Life Coach Doesn't Want You To Know

Image source: https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/12/88/88/12888803af924309ff464b24b6dc4234.jpg

There are many confusing and false messages bouncing around in cyberspace about life coaching. After coaching 600 people over the past 13 years, talking with dozens of coaches and surfing the websites of about 100 more, I'm sharing my take on what coaching isand isn't. I'd like to say upfront that my intention is not to offend or denigrate. I'm simply stating my informed opinion, which is best taken with a grain of salt.

It's important to start with the fact that the field of coaching is unregulated. This means that anyone, without any formal training, can call themselves a life coach. And they can coach any way they please. So caveat emptor! The onus of choosing the coach who will serve you best is on you.

In my research, I've found that there are basically 2 kinds of life coaches, and the contrast is stark. There are coaches who say they'll hold you accountable and help you stay motivated until you achieve your goals. They tout their excellent listening and questioning skills as their core talents. In my admittedly unscientific survey, about 99% of the coaches I have met in person and online fall into this category.

In the other camp are coaches with excellent listening and questioning skills who say they'll help you develop new ways of thinking and behaving. These coaches have studied and developed specific techniques that you can learn, then apply to any issue for the rest of your life. The goal of this type of coaching is for you to master the skills, using them independently to attain your desires faster, more efficiently and more enjoyably.

In my opinion, coaching that goes on indefinitely, with you relying on the support of your coach to achieve goals (but not learning new skills) is codependency, not coaching. Intentionally or not, anyone who does this isn't a coach, they're a parasite. True life coaches have a set of strategies you can use to evolve yourself for the rest of your life. Beyond merely achieving goals, coaching is about your growth as a human being.

With that said, I do believe that all coaches have a genuine desire to assist. However, most coaches' training (if they have any) is, well, the nicest words I can think of are...incomplete and, in some instances, inappropriate.

With that background in place, let's peek behind the curtain at the biggest secrets in coaching.

Secret #1: Promising You Instant Results is Impossible
The Industrial and Information Ages have proliferated a plethora of gadgets, pills, books and videos that promise instant results. Not surprisingly, youve been programmed to expect that coaching will immediately make your life better.

Accordingly, many coaches feel strong pressure to fulfill this expectation by producing some kind of dramatic breakthrough in every coaching session. The idea is that if the coach asks you the right deep questions, you'll have a brilliant flash of insight. There are two fallacies here. The first is in thinking that coaches do something to their clients. In fact, it's up to the client to take the actions that will produce the results they're looking for.
Second, coaching is a process, not an event.

While you may see some improvement in one session, life-altering, permanent improvements take time, repeated focus, and learning new ways to do things differently. Of course, major shifts can happen, but both you and your coach will put unnecessary pressure on yourselves by trying to force you to make a huge change you don't need or aren't ready for.

Sure, questioning is a major part of coaching. But the role of questions isn't to sledge hammer you into a dramatic breakthrough. Questions are one tool used to guide you in your process of gaining incrementally deeper self-knowledge. The goal of coaching isn't to rush to get it done, it's to help you learn as much as you can.
The processes of learning and making internal shifts in thinking is as unique as fingerprints and as unknowable as the depths of the ocean. It takes whatever time you need. Even with the biggest crystal ball in the world, no coach can promise a specific result by a certain date.

Any coach who tells you that you'll achieve a certain level in 1,3, or 10 coaching sessions is ignoring your individuality and your responsibility for your own growth. This is inconsistent with the basic philosophy of coaching.

Secret #2: Personality Tests are Worthless for Choosing Your Career

The widely accepted myth of personality is that, by adulthood, its set in stone. But in 100 years of intense study, psychologists cant even agree on the definition of personality, much less the limits of its development.

Two popular personality tests that life and career coaches use are the Myers-Briggs and the DISC. Their thinking is that you should choose a career that matches your personality (shaky ground indeed).

The purported benefit of this strategy is to narrow the overwhelming field of career choices. To alleviate your suffering, the coach squeezes you into one of a handful of boxes, then hands you a relatively short list of careers that some undefined percentage of those with your personality type could be successful in.

Never mind that these tests have no scientific validity. Meaning, you could take the same test on two different days and get two very different results. On top of that, these tests compare you to arbitrary norms (which are gender, ethnicity and culturally biased), ignoring your individuality and your context.

The icing on the cake is that since studies have shown that the Myers-Briggs does not predict job success well, using it for this purpose is expressly discouraged in its manual. But inexplicably, lots of coaches make gobs of money doing just that. That just seems unethical, or at least antithetical to the spirit of coaching.

The DISC is based on the faulty logic that you possess one of four personality types, which can be teased out by forcing you to choose one of four options for each question on the test. What if you don't agree with any of the choices? If you choose enough options that don't reflect what you truly think, the results are less than worthless. They can be destructively misguiding.

The best coaches will tell you that your personality traits are simply patterns of behavior youve developed (and gotten comfortable with) over your lifetime. As a pattern of behavior, any trait can be consciously changed any time you like, if you have the tools. Accordingly, their conversation about your career won't use the strategy of matching a job in Column A to a trait in Column B.

Secret #3: Taking Action For The Sake Of Action Undermines Your Real Power

To achieve the results they tout, coaches preach action. Lots of it. They think that if you do more, youll get more, faster. They'll sell you fancy spreadsheets and planners to track your actions, too.

But in all of this act-act-act, you can lose sight of your motivation: why you want what you want. Its by staying focused on why you want somethingthe benefits of having itthat youll find the juice to keep pursuing it until you get it.

As I stated in my previous post, most coaches describe their role as holding you accountable to take big actions before the next coaching call. Their strategy is that you'll be motivated by the desires to avoid the humiliation of having nothing to report, and this scheme does work. Avoiding humiliation is a strong motivator, but it pulls you away from your greatest source of power: your passion. So accountability is the default strategy for coaches who don't have any tools to address the real issue: how to deal with the negative thoughts that block you from freely pursuing your passion.

The best coaches don't rely on your human drive to avoid pain (humiliation, guilt, etc). Instead, they fan the flames of your motivation to seek whatever you're passionate about.

Secret #4: Success Isn't A Destination, And You Can't Possess It

Coaches talk a lot about achieving success, as if success were a thing you could possess. Well, if it were, then success would also be a destination. Once you achieve it, you'll be able to sit back and coast for the rest of your life.

When you're driven to succeed, you allow yourself to feel good only after you've completely achieved that desire. But in this scenario, the good feeling eventually fades, which prompts you to go after another goal so you can feel good again.

However, theres a huge difference between being successful and having a fulfilling life. Success is a distant external goal you might achieve someday. Every day until then is about work, effort, sacrifice and pain. Deferred gratification.

On the other hand, when you choose a fulfilling life, every step you take in the direction of every desire becomes an act of fulfillment. You experience fulfillment as an internal choice that creates a perpetual state of being: you feel fulfilled every day.

Secret #5: Success Doesn't Require Discipline. Even If You Think You Need It, You Have Plenty Of It

Coaches insist that it takes discipline and commitment to be successful. But you already possess all the discipline, commitment and courage you need to get anything you want. You just don't know it, you certainly can't feel it and you don't need it, anyway. In their defense, most coaches are unaware of this, too.

Here's the proof: If you've ever worked a job you didn't like for more than 10 minutes, you have discipline. My bet is that you've worked for years at jobs you found boring or otherwise uninspiring, did favors for others you didn't want to do, and performed admirable household chores to boot. That takes HUGE discipline!

So give yourself some credit. Just because you struggle to lose 10 pounds doesn't mean you're a wimpy, undisciplined loser. It just means you don't know how to focus yet.

After coaching 600 people, I've seen that you dont need to develop strong skills of commitment, courage or discipline to enjoy a fulfilling life. All you need is passion.

You see, passion isn't just a feeling, it's a tour de force. When you engage your passion, tons of energy, discipline, courage and commitment (more on this next) come along for the ride. What's true is that it's your nature to think about, talk about and pursue the object of your passion until you get it. When you think about it, discipline and commitment are just synonyms for the desire to stay focused on what you want until you get it.

But discipline is a heavy word. Baggage-laden with guilt, frustration, disappointment and failure. Coaches are useful for easing the weight of that baggage only if they emphasize the pursuit of passion as the basis and driver of every goal.

Secret #6: Commitment Doesn't Create Limitations You Just Have To Live With

There's a pervasive belief in our culture that making a commitment creates limitations. When you choose one career or one mate, you're essentially un-choosing every other possibility. You're stuck with your choice, forever sacrificing other attractive options.

This perspective misses an important point. Ultimately, a commitment is an expression of your freedom to choose. Once you choose, you're free to express yourself fully in the context of that career, relationship, hobby, whatever. And as long as you live, you're always free to choose again, and again, and again...

When you order the fish, you've excluded the steak or the chicken from that meal. But from herbs to cooking methods to side dishes, there are innumerable variations on any food you choose. Don't forget that every meal also includes a salad and a dessertmore ways to satisfy your palate. The point is, there are infinite ways to spice up your career, your relationships, and every other part of your life so that you'll feel full (fulfilled) every day. The only limitation is your imagination.

You can't earn a living without choosing a career path. You can't have a fulfilling romantic life without a beloved. So choose the steak career or mate. Or the chicken or fish career or mate. Just choose, live and learn. You can always choose again if you discover you need to do that.

Simple and Delicious Homemade Wine Recipes

Simple and Delicious Homemade Wine Recipes

Image source: http://delightfulemade.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/12/Cheese-Grape-Pistachio-Truffles-DelightfulEMade-vert4.png

Wine is one of the most popular beverages in the world. It has an important role in celebrations, events, rituals and ceremonies.
Wines are not just produced in established wineries. Indeed, many people are engaged in making wine in their own homes using homemade wine recipes. They do this as either a hobby or a business.

One of the most popular homemade wine recipes is the apple and grape juice wine. The ingredients are two gallons both of pure grape juice and apple juice, four pounds of sugar, two cups of lemon juice, two crushed campden tablets, some yeast nutrient and a package of wine yeast.

First, the two kinds of fruit juices should be placed in a 5 gallon carboy, which is a large container for liquids. Two pounds of sugar, lemon juice and campden tablets should be added next. The carboy is then covered loosely.

Let the juice stand overnight. After 24 hours, the yeast nutrient and the yeast are added to the liquid. The next step for this homemade wine recipe is to cover the carboy with a fermentation trap. At this point, fermentation will begin. After 5 to 7 days, the rest of the sugar is added. After 3 days, add some water. The liquid should then be aged for two months or until the liquid is clear. At this time, it becomes wine which could be stabilized, bottled and served.

One can also make wines out of flowers or herbs. One of the best homemade wine recipes that use flowers or herbs is dandelion wine. This recipe needs five gallons of dandelion blossoms, five gallons of boiling water, fifteen pounds of sugar, three pounds of dark or white raisins, twenty six ounces of white grape wine concentrate, ten sliced lemons with rinds, ten sliced oranges with rinds, four teaspoons of yeast nutrient and some madiera or sherry yeast.

For this homemade wine recipe, the first step is to pour the boiling water over the dandelion blossoms. This should be allowed to sit for two days, without disturbing the liquid.

After two days, the liquid can then be strained off from the dandelion blossoms. Once this is done, the rest of the ingredients can then be added and mixed to the liquid.

Allow the liquid to ferment. After it slows down, it can then be racked to a carboy. Once the fermentation stops, the wine can then be bottled and served. These are just two easy homemade wine recipes. There are a lot more in the web or in wine magazines.

Get more information about Coffee and Wine Spirits at ArticleMash.com.

Romancing Your Lover

Romancing Your Lover

Image source: http://www.herinterest.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/04/Romantic-Things-to-Say-to-Your-Boyfriend07.jpg

What happen to those days where you would bat those luscious eyes or lick your lips just to grab his attention? Gentlemen, what about you? When was the last time you wrote that little love note expressing your deepest feelings for her? Perhaps even bought the little gift or flowers to show her you were thinking of her? Romance has died in your relationship and this essay will help you kick it back into gear. Well of course you need to want it; but first you need to actually do something about it! You must get off your butt and start doing, instead of just sitting there thinking about it!

Gentlemen, Im going to start with you. Heres a few ideas to kick up the romantic atmosphere in your love life.

* Bring her flowers or treat just because. Now think about it, not just any flower or treats; what
about her favorites.

* Leave little notes on the mirror, or in her purse: Youre Beautiful, Sexy, I love you, Thank you
for your love. You get the idea..

* Offer her a massage or rub her feet, shoulders..and not assume you will get sex. If you do
terrific, but the main focus is her pleasure and relaxation showing her you care

* Text, or call her just to say you miss her and love her and even desire her.

* Verbally express your love for her and compliment her. Not in cheesy ways, though ones with
real, heart-felt influxes. Be flirtatious! Be you and genuine!

* Start learning what she desires or wants, versus thinking what she wants.you could be

* Touch her often; not only when you want sex. Touch her hands, body, soft, but intentional!

* Kiss her deeply often. Many times, we forget this or get lazy... Be spontaneous with this!

* Make dinner and have it in the living room on a blanket or in front of a fireplace, candles,
Music, or dinner summer months, a moonlit picnic When was the last time youve done

* Just think of little thought gestures that can make day less stressful

* Show and verbalize youre appreciation for and of her. Include this in your notes above too.
Do not take her for granted for the things she does for you!...

Ladies, now its your turn to romanticize your man!

* Flirt with him, bat your eyes like you did in years past and lick your lips in desire. You
* Touch him frequently, we also love to be touched and felt, caressed and rub. This tends to
dissipate quickly, especially giving the kids all the attention

* Compliment him often on his looks, eyes, talents, being a husband, father, what have you!...

* Men love to be appreciated! Goes with above on complimenting, though simple verbal
gestures of thank you or I appreciate all you do, etc. If not appreciated, men will feel like a
paycheck and will often leave you.

* Same as with the men above: Kiss him passionately, often!...

* Show interest in his interests: or at least show him you are happy he enjoys a certain hobby or

* Look nice for him once in a while. I often hear this complaint by men that their lady stops
getting ready, wearing makeup or looking great like She use to when we were dating. Now
its like she has me and doesnt care anymore.

* Seduce him! Show him you crave him, desire and love him with not only your emotions, but
with your body! For men, as I stated this numerous timessex is emotional for us too and it
feels great to feel desired by our lady!

* Laugh and joke around with him. This is also forms of flirting in a mans eyes

Now again, the above recommendations do not have to be 24/7. Though, occasionally is great, (except where noted above).

Remember when you couldnt keep your hands off of each other, or couldnt go a few hours without speaking to one another. What did you do back then to show your loved one you love her or show him you desire his kiss and body intertwined with yours? Think back. Perhaps returning to those hot, loving sensual days can bring brought back to life again, or maybe you can integrate new ways to express your love and desire for one another, or just show you love one another.

I dont want to hear If only She would do that; or If He would do this. Take charge and responsibility in your love life. If youre partner doesnt reciprocate, then perhaps youre in the wrong relationship..

This entails many pieces of advice to be romantic and express your love for one another again. Better yet, never let these expressions of love dwindle away. It is crucial to mention that this is not an all-encompassing list. This is a starting point so do not be afraid to create your own ways of being romantic, sensual and loving.

Jumat, 12 Januari 2018

Reebok Freestyle

Reebok Freestyle

Image source: http://premiumpartner.net/Photos/reebok-freestyle-v46451-fs-schuhe-damen-2.jpg

In 1982, Reebok introduced the Reebok "Freestyle", a womans athletic shoe designed for aerobic exercise. This new shoe marked a shift in the athletic shoes market towards athletic shoes designed for sports other than jogging (aerobics, basketball, etc.) and towards the female market for sports shoes (before the 1980s jogging was primarily a "mans" hobby). With a price tag of 60 dollars, the Reebok was shockingly expensive at the time. Some people called it the most expensive sports shoe in the world.

The original Freestyle was an Oxford-style (lace-up) shoe made out of white leather. It was adorned simply with the word "Reebok" in light blue lettering and a picture of the British Union Jack flag on the side of the shoe. The original Freestyle was a low top with a yellow gum sole. In the mid 1980s Reebok released the distinctive high-top Freestyles. In addition to laces, these shoes closed with two Velcro straps around the ankle. They were available in bright, funky colors such as pink, orange, green and yellow. Most of the high-top Reeboks were made out of leather but some canvas and mesh versions of the shoe were also released on the market.

Reeboks were a hit among the new female athletic market. The shoe sponsored the Los Angeles Lakers Girls in the 1980s, and the shoes soon became a hit with cheerleading squads and dance teams across the nation. In addition to athletics, the Freestyle quickly became something of a fashion must-have. Cybill Shepherd complemented her black strapless gown with a bright orange pair of Freestyles at the 1985 Emmys. Punky Brewster started the trend of wearing two different colors of Freestyle (an orange on the left foot and a purple on the right foot, for example) at the same time.

On the 25th anniversary of the release of the Freestyle, Reebok decided to launch a campaign it called "Freestyles Forever". This campaign selected six celebrity women (actors, singers, models, etc.) from six major cities in the world. Ali Yasuda, the first Japanese NFL cheerleader, represented Tokyo; Nikki Beatnik, a popular British DJ, represented London; Yelle, the French singer, represented Paris; Sagarika Chatghe, a Bollywood star from India, represented New Dehli; Bimba Bose, a internationally acclaimed model from Spain, represented Madrid; and actress Sheetal Sheth was the face of Freestyle for New York. The event was designed to look back and celebrate the culturally pertinent history of the shoe.

Rasdale Stamp Company, One Of The Oldest Family Owned And Operated Stamp Auction Houses In The Unit

Rasdale Stamp Company,

Image source: https://www.rasdalestamps.com/434images/0764-001.jpg

An Illinois philatelic company is claiming to be "the oldest family owned and operated stamp auction house in the United States" after clocking 85 this year. Rasdale Stamp Company has been in the philatelic industry since it was established in 1932.

Rasdale is a third generation Stamp Company headquartered in Westmont Illinois dealing in rare stamps, coins and other philatelic collectibles. At 85 years of age, this company ranks among the most ancient philatelic dealers in the Midwest. The company has played as pivotal role in promoting stamp collection as a hobby/investment across the social divide. Rasdale Stamp Company is renowned in the philatelic industry for repeatedly bringing together stamp enthusiasts from all over the world during its quarterly public stamp sales. The firm is also credited with the introduction of several trendsetting technological innovations in the stamp business.

Rasdale was among the very first stamp companies to incorporate IT into their philatelic business models. The firm launched its website early on before e-commerce became popular. From there the company introduced Rasdale Live Auctions to complement the traditional on-the-floor bidding option. Currently the company runs a fully functional online stamp store featuring a totally secure shopping cart. Collectors are now able to buy and sell philatelic items directly from Rasdale's online "Retail Store" from any place in the world 24 hours a day. The company continues to host public stamp auctions every 8 weeks and this year it has already held three such events. This year's closing sale Public Auction #434 will be held on November 18-19 in the Rasdale Auction Gallery on 37 Chestnut Avenue in Westmont. Further company details can be found at https://goo.gl/ZuXkL2

About Us

Rasdale Stamp Company was founded by Joseph Rasdale in 1932 in Elsie, Michigan. The company moved to its current premises later on and it has been expanding its market reach ever since. Rasdale has an extensive philatelic catalog featuring everything from supplies & literature, coins & currency, United States postage, picture postcards, United States & foreign covers, collections, accumulations, & stocks, miscellaneous collectables, and even some space memorabilia. Rasdale and its management team are members of all the major regional, national, and international stamp bodies including the Midwest Stamp Dealers Association, Ann Arbor Collectors Club, ASDA, National Stamp Dealers Association, Florida Stamp Dealers Association, APS, ATA, Bureau Society, Chicago Collectors Club, and the Southwest Collectors Club among many others. The company can be followed at http://www.tuugo.us/Companies/rasdale-stamp-company/0310006246119

Kristin Maravelias
Company: Rasdale Stamp Company
Address: 35 Chestnut Avenue, Westmont, IL 60559
Phone: (630) 794-9900
Fax: (630) 794-9958
Email: info@rasdalestamps.com
Website: https://www.rasdalestamps.com/

Names of Rescue Dog

Names of Rescue Dog

Image source: http://dogsrescueworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/dog-names.jpg

Dogs which are smart and brave are big part of search and rescue unit. Their heroic acts were recognized in museums, paintings, monuments, statues, memorials, and awards. Here are their heroic stories and names.

The good rescue dog with names and breed are Apollo (German Shepherd), Balto (Husky), Barry (Saint Bernard), Dakota (Pitbull), Dusty (Airedale Terrier), Gandalf (Shiloh Shepherd), Swansea Jack (Newfoundland), Togo (Siberian Husky), and Velvet (Labrador Retriever).

Apollo served on a K-9 search and rescue mission unit. The New York Police Department deploys the K-9 unit for search and rescue mission on September 11 attacks. The twin towers of World Trade Center collapsed after the airplanes crashed to the twin towers. Due to the heroism of Apollo, he earned the Dickin Medal. Apollo is a Greek dog name which means destroyer.

Balto is the lead dog of the final leg which relayed Diphtheria Antitoxin to the city of Nome in 1925. The city of Nome needed the serum to save the city from an epidemic. In just five and half days (674 miles), the dogs delivered the much needed serum. Balto is an English dog name which means God protects the King.

Barry rescued a total of forty lives from 1800 to 1814. Barry lived in monastery near the Italian and Swish border. The most famous rescue was the boy on an icy ledge. On one snowy day, a boy was stranded on an icy ledge. It was impossible for anybody to get to the icy ledge. Barry braves the danger to rescue the boy. Barry slowly crawled to the icy ledge. With the warm licks of Barry, the boy awakened. Then, Barry pulled the boy to safety. Barry is spear or marksman in Irish origin, and gate or fence in French origin.

Dakota worked on over one hundred search and rescue mission. He is such an outstanding at search and rescue. He was sent for search and rescue mission on Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. The shuttle exploded in mid air above Texas. All the seven crew of shuttle lost their lives. Dakota is a Native American dog name which means friend or ally.

Dusty led the rescuers to a woman who fell off a cliff in a car. Unfortunately, she drove herself off the cliff of Oregon on October 22, 2007. Dusty is a variation of English name called Dustin. It means brave warrior.

Gandalf led rescuers to a boy scout named Michael Auberry. He got lost in March of 2007. Gandalf is another English dog name which means wand elf.

Swansea Jack literally lived in Swansea, Wales. To be exact, Jack lived on a dock near River Tawe. As a Newfoundland breed, Jack is naturally strong and huge. And, the breed likes to rescue someone who gets difficulty in water. So, Jack was known to rescue someone out of water. With numerous rescues, Jack earned numerous awards. Jack is a Hebrew dog name which means God is gracious.

Togo worked with Balto to deliver Diphtheria Antitoxin to the city of Nome in 1925. However, Togo is the lead dog on the longest track. Togo is derived from an African country name.

Velvet ascended with eight mountain climbers at Mount Hood. Sadly, a big storm toppled off three climbers and Velvet. They had fallen 8,300 feet off the ledge. In the meantime, the other five climbers were able to call for help. However, the rescue team were forced to call off the mission as the storm worsens. Meanwhile, Velvet warms up the climbers from one climber to another climber thru out the night. Finally, the search and rescue team were able to get them as the storm eases. Velvet is a dog name that pertains to the shine and texture of short hair fur.

Using the natural animal instincts, the dogs rescue and save human lives. To humans, the search and rescue is all work and business. To dogs, the search and rescue is all play. They brave the danger to save countless lives.

Kamis, 11 Januari 2018

Meet the Weedtubers Who Get Paid to Toke Up

Meet the Weedtubers Who Get Paid to Toke Up

Image source: http://m.likesuccess.com/quotes/8/383970.png

Its fascinating how many people make a living by posting videos on YouTube.

Tutorials, family vacations, product reviews and other ridiculous antics make people rich overnight.

But have you heard of weedtubers?

These are people getting paid to smoke marijuana and post it on the internet.

Thats right getting paid to get baked.

Read on to learn about some of the most famous weedtubers around.

Joel Hradecky: King of Weedtubers

Considered the king of the weedtubers, Joel Hradecky has over 1.2 million followers, which hes amassed in only 4 short years.

His YouTube channel CustomGrow420 showcases a variety of videos including him trying to smoke a gram of THC oil. This video racked up over 1.3 million views.

Which is almost as much as the 1.5 million who viewed Hradeckys seven-minute coughing fit following his attempt. Seems like Hradeckys success thrives, in part, on the psychological idea that humans enjoy watching other humans suffer.

But this cannabis king doesnt just toke up and make viewers laugh (or scoff) for the love of entertainment. Thousands of fans actually turn to Hradecky for recommendations on bongs, strands of cannabis and other accessories.

Josh Young

If youre mainly looking for advice and information on smoking weed, the different ways it can be smoked, or weed prices, Young is your man.

On his YouTube channel StrainCentral, Young smokes marijuana anywhere from 3 -10 times a day, right alongside his viewers.

Young thinks that sometimes his fans are just, looking for a smoking buddy.

In similar fashion to other weedtubers like Hradecky, Young also posts videos showcasing attempts at smoking large quantities of THC in a short period of time and the horrifying effects.

With over 373,000 subscribers, Young clearly makes a really good smoking buddy!

Coral Reefer

Being a weedtuber isnt just for the boys. Dont worry ladies, you can be famous for smoking weed on YouTube too!

Just look at Coral Reefer. If youre looking for an interactive weedtube experience, then Coral Reefer is your girl.

Coral Reefer hosts a live show every Sunday called Stoney Sunday Live where she answers weed-related questions from viewers and fans. Coral is very passionate about cannabis and its many benefits.

Visit her channel and youll see her attending marijuana events and sharing info about whats happening in cannabis news.

Jane Dro

Another weedtuber representing the female marijuana lovers out there is Jane Dro.

If you desire a more educational experience when it comes to cannabis, Dro is a powerhouse of information. Dro tells viewers the ins and outs of growing marijuana and offers tips, as well as an inside look at her very own grow room.

Check out Dros channel for in depth videos and product reviews for avid and serious cannabis users. You may even spot the next marijuana smoking star on our list when watching Dros channel these two often show up in each others videos.


You cant have a good smoking session without some good munchies. Soundrone is all about unboxing and reviewing products and not just cannabis related items.

Visiting this quirky characters channel will win you the chance to see candy, drink, and snack reviews. A perfect compliment to your high.

His reviews are interrupted every so often by him taking a hit from a bong or blunt. Soundrone must be doing something right because not only is he a successful weedtuber, hes also an entrepreneur.

Soundrone has his own hemp wick line known as Bee Lasso.

Are you YouTubes Next Big Star?

Its hard not to be motivated by these weedtuber stars. Theyre getting paid to do what they love that is the great American dream, isnt it?

Maybe your current hobby is something the world wants to see. Perhaps youll be a famous blogger turned YouTube star.

Part of these stars fame comes from the publics fascination with cannabis. Want to learn more about this drug and its growing popularity?

Check out our blog.

How to Make Victorian Lamp Shades

Image source: http://houstan.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/Make-your-own-lampshades.jpg Shade frames can customarily be recovered or new on...