Sabtu, 31 Maret 2018

The Beauty of the French Language

The Beauty of the French Language

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The Beauty of the French Language

French is said to be one of the most beautiful languages. It is a class that many of us took in high school. It seemed like a good thing to do so we could go on that class trip to France. Now in today's times there are many reasons to learn French.

Learning French is easy to do. There are many available options for you to choose from. The obvious is a French class, a French Tutor, a French video or audio learning program. There is also the online class method.

Many people go to France to vacation, or even live. This is a great reason to learn to speak French. When in France...I do not remember, oh... I think it was when in Rome. Well either way, knowing a second language is always a good thing to have. Especially in today's times.

You may need to learn French for your job. If you deal with the French as part of your job, then knowing the language is a good skill to have. It is always great for the French people you are dealing with if you can understand their language. It is also better for you.

Web designers are even being asked to translate web sites into different languages. The reason for this is because much of the Internet commerce is done in many Countries. Therefore they want different language options on their websites. This is becoming increasingly popular.

Some people from Canada are French Canadian, and because of this, some still speak French. Many of those people come to the warmer clients of the United States like Florida for the winter. Learning French would be helpful in some of the businesses there.

It may be surprising to know that French is the most spoken language in the world after English and in many parts of the world such as North Africa, parts of the Middle East and areas of the Far-East and South and Central America, French is the number 1 language due mainly to France's once large colonial Empire.

Learning to speak French can be done in your own time and in a way that you are best able to learn. If you have a need to learn French the options are available to you. Maybe you just want to learn a new language for a hobby. Whatever your reason, it is a beautiful language to learn.

The Art of Selecting a Quilting Pattern

The Art of Selecting a Quilting Pattern

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The Art of Selecting a Quilting Pattern

In the past, quilting patterns were handed down generation to generation. You could get new patterns that weren't in your family from close friends. Today, with computers and the Internet there are literally thousands of quilting patterns at your fingertips. How do you select which quilting pattern to use?

Before you begin browsing quilting patterns, determine the purpose of your upcoming quilt. Will it be a gift for a specific occasion? Will it be a wall hanging, piece of clothing, bed cover, furniture cover or even a pillow?

Knowing what you are going to use the quilt for when it is done is the first step in selecting a quilting pattern. Some patterns look better on smaller projects and vice versa. Depending on your quilting skill, you might need several patterns for different sections of your quilt.

The next step in selecting a quilting pattern is to determine approximately what colors you will be using. For example, you would not want to use bright pink if it's going to be a baby quilt for a newborn boy. A wedding quilt would be in light colors. Perhaps the quilt is a wall hanging and needs certain colors to compliment the room's d(c)cor? Knowing what the quilt will be used for will help you determine roughly what types of colors that you want for the quilt.

Decide what types of materials you want to use for the quilt. Some quilting patterns do better with cotton fabrics, while others need different materials to do well. Will you be using high-loft or low-loft batting for the quilt piece? Will it be a batik piece? Knowing the type of material will help you select the best quilting pattern.

Write down your plans for the quilt. As you browse through the patterns available, disregard the ones that don't fit the theme, colors or material that you will be using for your project. Select a design that catches your eye and will be enjoyable to work with. You can look at the colors on the quilting pattern picture to get an idea of what color schemes work best with that particular pattern and modify them to specifically meet your needs.

Many quilters purchase quilting patterns. Some purchase expensive software like EQ6 to generate patterns. Many choose to become members of the and have access to a large number of quilting patterns that are easy to download and print. The advantage of doing this is that you can modify your design and colors easily since you can see the dimensions of the quilting pattern design and how it will fit together. There is a large selection of themes for the quilting patterns as well.

One fun use of quilting patterns is to learn new quilting techniques. Members at the have access to a comprehensive library of quilting video tutorials, eBooks, audios and more. You can select a quilting pattern to try out a new quilting technique to add uniqueness to your future quilt projects.

Choosing the right pattern to personalize to match a quilt's theme is essential to the success of every quilting project.

The Art of Doll Collecting

The Art of Doll Collecting

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The Art of Doll Collecting

Doll collecting is a popular hobby not just for children but for adults, too. Casual enthusiasts usually have a small set of different dolls at home, while serious collectors can have a huge collection on display.

Whether youre interested in doll collecting as a pastime or you want to invest time and money on the activity, it is wise to know the basics of the hobby first, and learn as much as you can before officially starting it. History of Dolls

Dolls have been around since ancient times. Wooden dolls were discovered in Egyptian tombs as early as 2000 BC while those made of ivory, wood, or clay have existed in the Roman Empire around 100 BC. Ancient Japanese used dolls not just as toys but also in religious ceremonies, while Africans believed that dolls were used by their gods to deliver messages.

There are many famous and popular dolls throughout history. The Teddy Bear is the frontrunner in the doll industry, capturing the hearts of countless children and adults. The first stuffed bear was produced in the early 20th century, and was named after the United States former president, Theodore Roosevelt, after he refused to shoot a captured black bear during one of his hunting trips.

The Barbie doll is an iconic fashion doll that defined a generation of young girls in the 1960s. Famous for its hourglass but anatomically incorrect figure, Barbie has evolved from the original blonde and brunette to different hair and skin colors to better represent its diverse market. Kinds of Dolls

There are many kinds of dolls all over the world. Before starting your collection, it is advisable to know the most common ones and decide which ones you want to focus on.

1. Wooden dolls - Wooden dolls are among the oldest kinds of dolls in existence. Parents made dolls for their children to serve both as toys and as items for different traditional ceremonies. An example of a popular wooden doll is the Russian matryoshka doll, a set of dolls that progressively gets smaller with one doll fitting inside another.

2. Cloth dolls - Like wooden dolls, cloth dolls were also created for ceremonial purposes. The earliest cloth dolls belonged to wealthy Egyptian families that were well preserved with them in their tombs.

3. Papier Mache dolls - Manufacturers started mass producing papier Mache dolls in the 1820s, mostly in the United States, Britain and Germany. The dolls heads were often sold separately from their bodies then later glued or sown together to complete the doll.

4. China dolls - China dolls got their name from china or porcelain. They are made of glazed porcelain ceramics. Germany began producing them in the 1830s, and they are still among the most popular dolls collected today.

5. Bisque dolls - Compared to the smooth texture of china dolls, bisque dolls have a matte finish, making them more lifelike and realistic. They became the rage from the 1840s to the 1950s.

6. Rag dolls - Rag dolls were the first dolls manufactured in the United States. One of the most popular rag dolls in history is Raggedy Ann, a red-haired doll created by American writer Johnny Gruelle.

7. Composition dolls - Composition dolls were invented in the United States, and are made of different materials, like sawdust, cornstarch, resin, wood flour and glue. They are considered more heavy-duty compared to fragile dolls produced in other countries.

8. Rubber dolls - Rubber or latex dolls became famous in the 1940s because they have a more realistic texture. Today, many otaku buy latex love dolls as part of their collection.

9. Hard plastic dolls - Hard plastic dolls are more durable than ceramic or cloth dolls. This is the main reason why they became more widespread since the 1940s. They also have more detailed appearances, and more lifelike eyes, fingers and toes.

10. Vinyl dolls - Vinyl is the most common material used for present-day dolls. These dolls are unbreakable but flexible, and are more realistic in their figures. Reasons for Collecting Dolls

Hobbyists have different reasons for collecting dolls. Here are just some of them:

1. Artistic worth - Some collectors buy dolls based on their design. They get attracted to the dolls features, clothing, and even the dolls facial expressions. The finer the craftsmanship is, the more appealing it becomes to some collectors.

2. Childhood memories - Others collect dolls because doing so reminds them of their childhood. A collector may complete a set of Transformer robots because it is one of his favorite childhood TV shows. A doll enthusiast may also collect Barbie dolls because it was the first gift she ever received as a child.

3. Historical value - History also plays a significant role in some collectors choices. The more backstory a doll has, the more interesting it becomes. A plain-looking rag doll may be worth much to a collector if it belonged to a famous person in the past.

4. Investment Some collectors also buy dolls and sell them for a profit. Serious collectors will pay at least $20,000 for a valuable piece, and hobbyists can turn their passion into a serious business.

Tips on Starting a Doll Collection

Now that you know more about dolls, it is time to start your collection. Remember these tips to make your hobby more enjoyable:

1. Start small - Dont panic and try to get your hands on every doll you see. Choose a small set of dolls as your initial pieces, and gradually build your collection from there.

2. Concentrate on just one or two kinds - Unless you plan to just randomly collect all the dolls you lay your eyes on, it is best to choose one or two subjects to start your collection. Do you want to focus on papier Mache dolls? Or are you more inclined to collect china dolls? This helps you focus and save time and money collecting pieces you are truly interested in.

3. Create an inventory - The best way to keep track of your collection is to make a list of all your items. Note down the name of the doll, when you bought it and where, and any significant detailhistorical, physicalthat can help you identify it.

4. Know your dolls - Dont just display your dolls in a glass case and forget about them afterward. Take the time to get to know them. Examine their faces, feel the texture of their skin and clothing, know the history behind them.

5. Display with care - Find a cool, dry place to display your dolls. Some dolls cannot be exposed to high temperatures or direct sunlight, so its better to have a cool room or glass cabinet you can put them in.

6. Have fun - Dolls are interesting collectors items, so dont forget to have fun while collecting them.

With all the provided information, you will have higher chances of enjoying your doll collection.

Submitted by Tony's Books - A "Shop at Tony's" Website. See John's Books and Hobbies for more Hobby Information.

Jumat, 30 Maret 2018

The Addiction of Collecting - Revealed!

The Addiction of Collecting - Revealed!

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The Addiction of Collecting - Revealed!

Collecting is a worldwide popular hobby which from an early age strikes with the desire to have every stamp of your favorite children magazine or every Barbie doll ever made in history. Some individuals save their collecting hobbies throughout the years to even make them bigger, others either stop collecting or just jump to another theme and start a new collection, this time, usually smaller.

However, even if we don't want to agree on this, we are all creatures with desire to collect and we unconsciously create out own forms of collecting. Fact is, even animals tend to collect. There birds which rely not only on their voice and their amazing skills for making nests, but on their unique collections of flowers and small wild fruits for attracting a love mate.

But why do we love collecting so much?

The truth behind this intriguing question can be answered with a simple look trough the evolution of some of the most popular websites like Pinterest, and Weheartit. According to researched made in the last years, people's love for collecting comes from their sole desire to surround themselves with things they love and like. And it is not only because of the fact that they enjoy having an intriguing and unique collection or just love bragging in front of friends about what they have. The true reason, why we collect is because we simply tend to forget what we love and possess, and our collections often play the role of a reminder.

A bit of ourselves...

A simpler explanation can come from the following reference. Amongst all collecting addictions ever appeared in history, the one with most followers is the collection of photos. We humans, love to surround ourselves with items that call out long forgotten memories, because in a certain point of life, remembering becomes quite hard and frustrating. We need to remind ourselves of what we value in life more than we could imagine. Because, no matter how well we think we know ourselves, nothing can give us a better side look than our own unique collections. Each collection can be described like a so-called "item diary" and each tiny bit of it has its own value and meaning for us. Or in other words, every detail of one's collection is a tiny bit of himself. A reflection of his hope, dreams and desires.

Collecting - Yes or No?

And while psychologists recommend that each person should have a diary of his own, something that can easily bring back old memories and lessons learned throughout the course of life, still having a collection of items is often flagged as unhealthy. Anyways, collections are in fact highly valued and while some spend hours upon hours "sharing" their thoughts on a blank piece of paper, or on their desert social media profile no one ever visits, others put their energy into a winning strategy that can bring them money.

The Benefits of Being a Collector

In other words - let's talks about money!

According to one of the top oven cleaning companies in Melbourne , even the strangest and most unusual collections like the one of Mrs Vaughn made of hundreds soap bars can be beneficial. While museums deny approving her soap collection, people appreciate her enthusiasm and describe it as one of the most unusual and intriguing ones in the world. And what's bad in being famous for the thing you love doing - collecting? As Owen Brook, a Melbourne collector jokes, with such collection one could really build a cleaning company in Melbourne and never get the need to buy cleaning supplies.

In conclusion, being a collector might be not well-understood by some, but it definitely has its benefits.

And what about you, do you like collecting? If yes, what do you collect - share your story!

The 7 Characteristics Of Rich People

The 7 Characteristics Of Rich People

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The 7 Characteristics Of Rich People

Have you ever wondered why rich people seem to get richer easily while those in the poverty cycle seem destined to be stuck there forever? The reason is simple. You need to think and act like a rich person first before you can really be rich. Let's take a look at some of the characteristics of rich people.

1. No limited self belief

Rich people believe they are destined to be rich and there is nothing that can stop them from achieving that financial freedom goal. They will do whatever necessary to reach their goals including doing things that they dislike or taking on tasks that seem impossible to complete.

2. Recognize the importance of time

Rich people also recognize that time is their most important asset and a very scarce resource. They do not waste their precious time sitting in front of a TV watching soap operas or other entertainment programs like "Survivors." They also know how to use the power of leverage to achieve maximum results with minimum efforts.

3. Seek out other people of higher social status

Many poor people only network with other people that are of the same status as them. They do not actively seek out other people who are wealthier. The rich people will do the opposite. They want to network and learn from others who are better and wealthier.

4. Expense as investment

To many poor people, the best way to manage money is to use less of it. However, rich people have a different viewpoint. To them, many expenses can be viewed as investments. By spending a certain amount of their money to acquire an asset or skill, they know they will get back what they spent in the future.

5. Strong self-confidence

Many rich people exhibit a high level of self-confidence that is often contagious. They are optimists and maintain a positive outlook at all times. Their confidence is not easily shaken by external factors.

6. Good money habits

While saving is a good virtue and habit, many rich people feel that it is not the best way to grow your money. Rich people will put a significant portion of their wealth in some kind of investment vehicles that give them a better ROI than a normal saving account. They also do not spend their money aimlessly buying things that have no real value such as lottery tickets.

7. Philanthropy

Many rich people are also great philanthropists. They frequently make charitable donations intended to increase human well being. A great example is Bill Gates who set up his own charitable foundation aimed at providing lifesaving health care products for the poorest part of the world.

Most rich people did not become wealthy overnight. They faced many setbacks and challenges to get to where they are today. To them, setbacks and challenges provide valuable lessons that help them find the way to great wealth as well as strengthen their ability to faced adversities in life.

Taking A Sewing Class - Reliving A Long Forgotten Hobby

Taking A Sewing

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Taking A Sewing Class - Reliving A Long Forgotten Hobby

Have you ever indulged yourself in sewing? Was it to fix a button that was loose or tuck in the seam of a dress? The majority of people don't remember the last time that they needed to use a thread and needle in their hands. Once sewing was a main occupation of at least one member of every home, as clothes were required to protect our bodies from the cold.

Before the 1700's the sewing of clothes or any other type of fabric was completed by hand but around the mid 1700's the first sewing machine was invented. It was manual but it consumed less time and gave good quality sewing results. As decades turned to centuries sewing took on many different forms, sewing classes became a skill that the majority of women needed to learn to clothe their family while the man of the house was away at work.

The Progression of Sewing

In due time, sewing become very popular for both men and women as clothes became more fashionable and trendy and tailors were the fashion designers of their time. Sewing has remained a hobby with the majority of women in the house who even had their clothes made by tailors, would enjoy sewing and doing other kinds of embroidering for some decorative things around the house.

Back then going and taking a sewing class was normal for enjoyment and sometimes was a requirement; but today it has become a type of rarity. Today taking sewing classes has what some consider to be a waste of time for many as they don't indulge in such activities anymore. But, some people still enjoy the creations of their two bare hands and still have the option of signing up for a traditional type of sewing class.

Take a Sewing Class and Have Useful Knowledge To Last a Lifetime

Sewing can be a very useful skill whether it is in a household or as a profession. Many mothers who stay home because of their new babies search for new jobs so that they can make good income staying at home as well as bring up their children.

Sewing can be learned from the comfort of your home or on the internet as well. There are a lot classes and courses which can fulfill your requirements. For example; if you are looking to learn the basics, advanced or even professional sewing skills you can search it on net or just gather a group of people of interested in the same hobby and practice sewing at home.

Kamis, 29 Maret 2018

Take Up New Hobby in Hunting

Take Up New Hobby in Hunting

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Take Up New Hobby in Hunting

People are always trying new things. When they take up new hobbies, they get additional experiences that help them enjoy life and grow as a person. Some people have begun hunting as a new hobby to learn. They enjoy being outdoors and communing with nature. However, if the hobby of hunting is new, they will need to know how to choose the right equipment. They need to ensure they have the best tents, crossbows and rifles. They also have to make sure they wear the best hunting boots on their feet.

What Material Do You Want in Boots?

The material you choose can give you comfort, keep your feet warm and dry and protect your feet from problems.

Canvas Many hunters prefer canvas even though it is considered an old material. Canvas is breathable and lightweight. It dries easily after getting wet, and it can be seal to improve its waterproofing qualities. They also are less expensive options.
Suede Suede is the boot for those who want style and insulation. Suede boots also are flexible. Although it is warm, it must be treated so it will resist water. Suede also stains and rots. Most of the time, manufacturers put suede on the upper part of boot to aid in flexibility or as a lining for warmth in cold conditions.
Leather Using leather in boots has been around for a long time. Even though leather isnt breathable, it protects the foot from moisture and provides strong foot support. Leather uppers are popular on classic hunting boots because they provide protection, durability, support and protection. You need to seal them every year to prevent rotting and stains.
Nylon Mesh If you need inexpensive and innovation, you will want to choose the nylon mesh boots. The material is durable, weighs little, resists water and is ventilated. However, they arent good for cold-weather hunting.
Gore-Tex Another innovation is Gore-Tex. This material combines the benefits of nylon with exceptional insulation. Gore-Tex material is used as a liner and material for the uppers of hunting boots. You get plenty of ventilation and water-proofing. If you hunt in fall or winter, you will want a boot that uses Gore-Tex material. Besides hunting boots, the material is used in winter jackets and rain gear.
Rubber Rubber boots are the type of footwear you need if you regularly hunt in swamps, marshes and bogs. Nothing repels water like rubber, but your feet wont be able to breathe. Rubber also is durable, thick and inflexible, but you do get support for your feet. They also are heavy.
Closed-Cell Foam This material is marketed under a number of names. It is lightweight and sturdy material that cushions your feet. It is found in the insoles of boots. The foams are used for a number of purposes. They are moisture-proof, supportive, springy and not heavy.
Neoprene The popular neoprene is used as a liner and upper. It is warm but isnt breathable. However, you do get a water-proofed boot. It has the same benefits as rubber without the heaviness. Because it lacks durability, neoprene is often bonded with other materials.

When you choose the right material, you protect your feet. If your feet are happy, you can begin your new hobby of hunting. The best way to choose the right hunting boots when you are new to the sport is to ask other hunters what they favor. You can do research on the Internet, and you decide where you are going to hunt.

Take Up a New Hobby with Teds Woodworking

Take Up a New Hobby with Teds Woodworking

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Take Up a New Hobby with Teds Woodworking

Woodworking is a fun past-time for numerous folks, but there could be a issue with obtaining out the way to create numerous distinct items. The major difficulty is when it comes to discovering out how to make the projects and exactly what to create. Acquiring the correct measurements is very essential and blue prints can become essential for a lot of folks.Purchasing blue prints separately can cost about 30 dollars per blue print but that was prior to Teds Woodworking. Now it's possible to purchase 16,000 blue prints for the price of 1, along with the capability to take a look at different video tutorials to discover about the basics of woodworking; it's excellent for those who are searching out for new projects to attempt but have no notion about the very first thing with regards to woodworking.

The 16,000 projects frequently provide varieties of some of the most well-liked designs, including beds and cabinets, but also provide issues which you would not genuinely take into account at very first, for example bird houses. You are going to be amazed at the amount of different projects that you simply could locate oneself performing within your spare time. The only points which you will need now are the tools as well as the time to make all the different projects; you are going to be stuck for choice.It truly is very important to have an region where you'll be able to do the woodworking plans. This can typically be a garage or in a basement. You will need space to function and somewhere away from the rest of the loved ones for all your tools. Invest some time working out where you may function just before you appear at taking up your new pastime.You are going to also have to look into all the different tools that you simply will want.

This may involve CAD software to help with the blue prints. Luckily, the package includes a straightforward version of CAD for free of charge. Depending on how much you get into this new pastime, it could be worth acquiring your own version of the CAD software your self; this can provide you with the chance to develop your own projects.Once you start building, it could be worth considering selling them on. You are going to be surprised by how a lot of individuals are actually looking for book situations or for tables. You can do simple garage sales or field sales to be able to sell your creations at a low price than most stores. You might be specific to obtain folks to come getting from you, specifically when they uncover that they're all created from scratch and inside your own time.Taking up woodworking within your spare time doesnt must be tough or even pricey. It is possible to get several blue prints all in one package.

Steroid Alternatives

Steroid Alternatives

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Steroid Alternatives

Steroids as a synthetic substance are very similar to male sex hormones. Steroids are always used for the enhancement of muscle growth and develop sexual characteristics attributed to males. They are typically prescribed by medical doctors or professionals to treat certain conditions, including delayed puberty and even impotence.

Steroids usually raise the testosterone level in the body. The good and bad effects of the steroids actually depend on the quality of steroid you are using. People use steroids for several purposes. They use steroids

To fasten the growth of the muscle and increase its strength.
To raise the energy level.
To increase the production of fat.

However, there are several disadvantages of steroids. Using steroids has become illegal these days. The problem with steroids is that they are often abused, particularly by athletes and bodybuilding professionals and enthusiasts, mainly to hasten muscle growth and improve athletic performance. Abuse can also lead to unpleasant and even life-threatening conditions, as mentioned on SexHealthReviews website. As a result, more and more people are turning to alternatives to steroids to help them with their bodybuilding routine and improve their endurance.

The benefits of steroids have made a lot of impacts on people that it is very hard for most people to do without or stop using them totally. This has led to a rapid controversy over steroids lately. Many steroid alternatives have also appeared on the market. But now the question is whether steroid alternatives would be as effective as steroids? The best steroid on the market is Crazy Bulk.

Alternative to Steroids Crazy Bulk

Alternatives to steroids are sought after by competitive athletes in sports that require drug testing, bodybuilders and those who generally abide by the law. However, with age, testosterone hormone levels fall in the body and the explosive power that many fitness conscious people have gradually lost over time.

Steroids are not needed to accumulate the explosive power desired. The commitment to an energy program, however, is. There are many steroid alternatives to add to the diet, and many provide excellent results. One of the best been Crazy Bulk.

Crazy Bulk is a natural supplement designed to replicate the benefits of real steroids, but without health risk or side effects. Crazy Bulks supplements use 100% safe, natural and legal ingredient. That's why Crazy Bulks does not require a prescription, unlike illegal steroids, although they work through the same process of bodybuilding and fat burning.

This legal alternative to steroids can be divided into two categories;

Bulking Supplements:

Build muscles, increase testosterone, promote growth, improve nitrogen storage, improve the number of red blood cells, increase protein synthesis, bring more oxygen to your muscles, and also make huge gains.

Cutting supplement:

Promotes fat burning, improves muscle oxygenation and removes excess water to maintain muscle and strength.

How Does it Work?

Crazy Bulk is a well-formulated mixture of legal steroids that enhance anabolic processes in our body. It contains many active ingredients that can help you get fast results.It can help achieve massive muscle gains that you can not achieve quickly by following workouts and healthy foods. You may notice unexpected developments with these supplements, as many of its users have expressed satisfaction with the results.

The bodybuilding effects of steroids have been found to result in increased muscle mass, greater strength/endurance, better recovery time and improved physical fitness and appearance. But again, it all depends on what the cycle we are looking forward to achieving the desired results. it all depends on the time frame you choose from 4 to 8 weeks later. As we know, anabolism is an aspect of metabolism that is a bodybuilding process. This is exactly how the Crazy Bulk achieves its profound positive effects on the body.

Crazy Bulk Benefits

The following are the benefits of Crazy Bulk as an alternative to steroids;

Crazy bulk is effective

There is no point in taking steroids of any kind unless they provide the results you need. You do not have to worry about using Crazy Bulk oral steroids because they produce incredible results in combination with effective diet and exercise. These steroids help you get the best results from all the hard work you use in the gym.

Crazy Bulk is legal

With Crazy Bulk supplements, you do not need to go to the black market for the boost you need. Every Crazy Bulk product they sell is 100% legal. Imagine how good it is to take effect and, above all, completely legal steroids.

Improved energy

Crazy Bulk oral steroids help increase energy levels. For example, many help optimize the body's ability to provide oxygen to the muscles. In general, however, you feel more energetic and motivated when you take these incredible supplements.

Crazy bulk improved endurance

Once you have taken Crazy Bulk Steroids for a month or two, you will notice a noticeable increase in stamina. Suddenly, you will be able to push yourself to a whole new level without having to resort to dangerous and illegal steroids.

Other benefits that you can get from crazy bulk are;

Provide legal steroids for building your body.
Provides recommended results such as increased muscle and biceps size.
Increase the energy level with stamina to shorten recovery times.
Can perform intense workouts for extreme results
Improving your physical health without side effects.


Crazy Bulk provides natural and legal supplements to help people increase definition, mass, and stamina, and strengthen muscles. Crazy Bulk does not provide basic steroids, which are usually associated with unpleasant side effects. Crazy Bulk uses natural ingredients for its formulations that have achieved positive results. These products are recommended to be safe and effective for building muscle, mass, and endurance. But always remember that you still have to work hard to reach your fitness and bodybuilding goals.

Rabu, 28 Maret 2018

Steps On How To Make Soy Candles For Fundraiser Activities

Steps On How To Make Soy Candles For Fundraiser Activities

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Steps On How To Make Soy Candles For Fundraiser Activities

Most people love candles, and they just love collecting them for their homes. Collecting candles is a great idea but making candles is even better. Candle fundraiser activities have been known and used by many people for many purposes. Candles are easy to make, and you will enjoy it at the same time as raising money for a good cause.

Soy candles are best for candle fundraiser activities. They are much better and considered a healthier choice compared to the scented candles. Soy candles have benefits that can never be beaten by other types of candles. Soy candles can burn longer, up to about 50% longer than other candles because they burn slower. These candles are set at a lower heat temperature that is why the fragrance is distributed better.

Candle making is a fun activity and can make a great hobby. Your children and family members can even help you because they are easy to make.

First, you should have a mold in which the candles are formed. You can choose from cartons or metal molds and you can cut them to the desired height. If your children want to try making candles, they should start by making short candles because it will be easier for them to insert the molds into the wax.

Next, spray the inside part of your mold with silicone, or you can use a light wipe of vegetable oil. Then you cut a wick which is two to three inches longer than the mold. Attach a tab and stick it to the center of the bottom part of the mold with a little spread of melted wax. You can use a chopstick across the top of the mold so that it can be centered and straightened.
Now you need the wax. To find out how much wax you will need, you must pour water into the mold and mark the level you desire. After you have marked the level, you can empty the mold. Be sure to keep the mold dry. In melting the wax, the melting point should be from 130-150F but you can also set it to a temperature of 180-200F.

Now you can break the wax into chunks or you can pare it off so that it will melt faster. You can either melt your wax by making your own can which is placed inside a pot of water that is half full, or you can melt it in the top of a double broiler pan. If you use a can, make sure that it is not be too shallow because the can has the tendency to float. If it is shallow, the hot wax might spill. In order to prevent fire, you should keep baking soda on hand to toss on any flames that may flare up.

Then tip your mold a little so the wax can be poured down the side. Fill it to about an inch of your preferred level. You must keep the wax hot so that it stays melted. Watch the wax cool in the molds and your candle is ready. Soy candles use bees wax because they produce synthetic candles. You can apply drops of oils or vanilla to make the candle scented.

A Candle fundraiser is not that difficult to start. You just need the right materials and procedures in order to be successful in making your first candles for your fundraising activity.

Steel Lockers Made by Hard Working Americans

Steel Lockers Made by Hard Working Americans

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Steel Lockers Made by Hard Working Americans

I'm a pretty patriotic guy. I love football. American football. I love baseballthat all-American game watched by millions every summer. I love basketballthe sport that we invented.

But for me, my love of sports is just scratching the surface of my patriotism. I love to look on the inside of my shoe and read the label that says "Made in America," even though I'm not sure that any of my shoes say that anymore. I like seeing that little red-white-and-blue-made-in-USA insignia on a product, because that tells me that some hard working Americans poured their time and effort into making that product.

Since I'm around lockers a lot with my hobby and my occupation, I want to share with you a dream of mine. Someday, I want to see the schools, gyms, hospitals, fire stations, changing rooms, and classrooms in this country equipped with lockers that tell a story.

The Story of Hard Work

People work hard all over the world, not just in America. However, America is a country that was built on hard workhard working pilgrims, pioneers, and patriots. From freed slaves to farmers, the fabric of the country was formed by hard work. Only hard work will keep our country afloat. Building steel lockers is hard work. A company that places these honest jobs into the hands of honest Americans is a company whose lockers tell a story that is over two hundred years old.

The Story of Quality

Too many times, I've purchased a cheap item and watched it literally disintegrate after a few uses. Whenever possible, I buy American-made items due to the quality that I'm confident I can get. When it comes to lockers, I'm no different. Maybe it's because I'm picky, and know a good locker when I see one. However, I want to see more metal lockers with "Made in America" boldly printed on them. It tells me that there is a group of hard-working people in a warehouse or manufacturing shop who are proud of what they do. It comes through in the product they make. It tells a story.

The Story of America

Americans can still make stuff. And we can make it pretty good. I'm not absolutely opposed to buying something that's been brought over on a ship from somewhere else. But it's somehow specialand rightto know that the money I spend is going back to some hard-working American and his family. It's reassuring to realize that the economy we're working so hard to save is getting a bit better because I just bought "Made in America." I like to know that there are Americans who work hard and make an honest buck, because an entrepreneur was bold enough to go follow the American dream.

That's why I like lockers that tell a story.

That's patriotism.

Stained Glass Construction Lead vs Copper Foil Method

Stained Glass Construction Lead vs Copper Foil Method

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Stained Glass Construction Lead vs Copper Foil Method

There are two ways to make stained glass, leaded or copper foiled. The major difference between the two is in the construction. With leaded stained glass, the glass is fitted into channels of lead came. In contrast, copper foiled stained glass is constructed by wrapping each piece of glass with copper foil.

Leaded stained glass historically is found in churches. It was during the Victoria Era where leaded stained glass was introduced into homes and has remained a popular method of constructing stained glass ever since.

Foiled stained glass was mastered by Tiffany in the early 1900s and soon after became a popular method for creating stained glass.

Common Questions:

Is one method better than the other?
The simple answer is no. A better answer is that it depends on the artist and the design.

What is the difference in leaded and foiled construction?
With leaded stained glass, the construction must begin at an outer corner, the individual pieces are fitted into lead came. Once all pieces are cut and placed in lead came, the joints of came are soldered. Then the piece is cemented.

With foiled stained glass, the construction can begin at any point in the design and worked out from there. The individual pieces are wrapped in copper foil and soldered together.

When is foiled stained glass construction better than lead?
With intricate designs, foiled construction is superior

When is lead construction better than foiled?
Leaded construction is used most often with designs that have repetitive geometric shapes. These designs can be foiled, but construction time is increased.

Which is easier?
There is no simple answer for this. It is really a personal preference. Leaded, foiled or combination of the two are used throughout the stained glass industry.

Is leaded or foiled construction better than the other?
No, each method, if done correctly, will provide the same long lasting beauty and endurance.

Why is foiled construction taught to beginners doing stained glass?
The cementing in leaded construction tends to be messy. Foiled construction can be started and stopped, making weekly classes work.

What are the steps for making leaded stained glass?
1. Stained glass is cut, shaped and fitted into channels of lead came.
2. Joints of lead came are soldered.
3. The piece is cemented
4. The piece is cleaned and polished

What are the steps for making foiled stained glass?
1. Stained glass is cut and shaped, and then each piece is wrapped in copper foil.
2. Copper foil seams are soldered together.
3. The piece is cleaned and polished.

My Personal Choice:

I tend to do a lot of intricate designs, so I use the foiled construction method. It provides the flexibility and detail I need for my designs.

Selasa, 27 Maret 2018

Some Good Truth or Dare Questions

Some Good Truth or Dare Questions

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Some Good Truth or Dare Questions

Truth or Dare is mainly a party game played with teenagers and adults. In this informative article, you will find the fantastic truth or dare questions to your sport. So that you are able to make a note of them and perform without the pressure of awfulness, and escape from humiliations.

Great Truth Questions

1.Were you ever caught lying?
2.What makes you most attracted to in an individual of your opposite sex?
3.What's your main turn-off?
4.If you may have that 1 chance to really go out on a date with somebody in this area, who would you select? And why?
5.Which are you most self-conscious of?
6.Perhaps you have rejected someone or being refused?
7.If your significant other has gained 100 lbs, do you still love him?
8.What's that one TV show that you are ashamed to admit that you are watching it?
9.Who would you believe in this room are the worst man to be trapped in an elevator with?
10.What could you do if you're given an opportunity to be of the other sex for a day?
11.Have you ever stolen anything? What exactly was it?
12.In case you just had a day to live, what could you do and who would you prefer to invest it with?
13.Who was the first kiss and how old were you then?
14.Do you ever think about somebody as you're working?
15.What was your initial impression of me (speaking about the person who's requesting the "fact" query)
16.Wear his or her panties over his garments and make a fast run to the road and back.
17.Perform some club songs and dare that individual to "twerk" such as Miley Cyrus for just two minutes.
18.Dare the individual to visit the closest grocery store, pharmacy or bakery without cash and attempt to purchase something.
19.Dare the individual to go out and wave to everybody who's passing by for 10 minutes.
20.Allows the individual to push a quarter round the toilet seat with your tongue.
21.Dare the individual to never talk till its his time to ask questions.
22.Allows the man to do a lap dance for 2 minutes on a few of those playing members of the identical sex.
23.Dare the individual to head out and sing "A Whole New World" tune near the summit of his/her lungs.
24.Dare the individual to kiss a person of the exact same sex who is within the match.
25.Dare to drink a boil blended by the participants. (But be sure that there's nothing inside that is dangerous and harmful to the subject's wellbeing)
26.Forged to defraud someone that he understands.
27.Dare to perform a belly dance.
28.Dare to consume a glass of water in 1 gulp.
29.Forced to do 50 sit ups.

Along with above-mentioned dares, there are also some embarrassing dares which you can also search for.

Simple Ways To Make A Special Anniversary Card

Simple Ways To Make A Special Anniversary Card

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Simple Ways To Make A Special Anniversary Card

Making a unique anniversary card is a fun and easy way to show the one that you love that you are thinking about them on your anniversary. An anniversary cards that is unique is much more interesting to receive than the standard cards that are stocked by most stores. Making a card that is unique is not hard and there are several different ways to achieve the customization that the person desires.

A Photo Anniversary Card

One of the simplest methods for making a unique anniversary card is to make a photo anniversary card. These types of cards can be obtained by using a photograph from a professional photographer or one that the person has taken on their own for the image on the exterior of the card and adding a personalized message on the interior of the card.

The photograph is copied onto glossy card paper and the personal message can be added before printing or can be written in by hand after the card has been printed. Many people like this because the message can say anything that the person wants it to say.

People like to use photo cards as a unique anniversary card because it not only sends a heartfelt message to the person that they love, but also preserves a picture of the person or the couple at a certain stage in the relationship.

This makes the photo card a keepsake that will be treasured for many years because it accurately shows how the person felt at the time that the photograph was taken. Over the last few years, millions of these types of cards have been sent to recipients to commemorate their anniversary.

An Anniversary E-Card

Another way for a person to get a unique anniversary card is to order it from an online greeting card store. These stores make specialized greeting cards for the person using whatever images the person wants and including the message that the person would like to send.

This type of anniversary card can either be shipped to the home of the recipient from the website or printed and mailed by the person sending the card. These types of cards can also be emailed to the person, but many people believe that it is better to hand the card to the recipient in person.

A Homemade Anniversary Card

Some people choose to make a unique anniversary card themselves for the person that they love. To make a card, all the person will need are some basic supplies, such as thick paper, markers, glue, and a creative design for the card. Making their own unique anniversary card is an easy way to have something special to give to their loved one on their special day.

Simple Ways to encourage your child to Learn Music

Simple Ways to encourage your child to Learn Music

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Simple Ways to encourage your child to Learn Music

Exposing your child to music at an early age can be very beneficial. Music is an art which, when equipped rightfully is very rewarding.

It inculcates the natural ability to focus, self-discipline, learning perseverance, better analytical skills, organizational behavior, creativity etc. The list goes on and on. Motivation and fun are the key factors to encourage your child stick towards learning an instrument. It just requires little enthusiasm from the childs side and a lot of motivational support as parents contribution to making the learning experience of children more engaging.

However, still, most of the parents today face a challenge to encourage their children to play music and regularly attend classes. If you are able to motivate your child for learning, it can definitely increase the cognitive abilities of your child and simple musical lessons can turn into a lifelong hobby or career.

There are several steps you can take to encourage your child:

Make music part of your life/daily activities: Music is everywhere, to make your child musically talented involve them in music all the times. Music should be in your home, car, kitchen and while going out for a walk.  Find music in ordinary activities to integrate music into their lives. It is very easy to make music a constant part of their life.
Teach about Famous Musicians: This is called giving inspiration. When your child has a musical idol, it is easier to give them a direction. Teach about some of the great musicians Elvis Presley, Bob Dylan, Madonna, and Michael Jackson, who were top favorite artists of the past through to the present. It will give them a broad grounding in many types of music.
Choice of Musical Instrument: Its the matter of childs interest, and ability to play a musical instrument. An essential way of getting children interested is by having your child test out a few instruments. It is called a hit and trial method.  While your child may like a different instrument at first, he or she may even think of certain instrument classes like Guitar Lessons as cool, so try to make sure to test out different instruments when first starting out.
Be the Biggest Fan: Make sure to show youre excited when your child is learning. If youre excited about it, they also will feel appreciated. Take time to visit the music school to see your childs performance. Make sure to reward and treat your child to encourage. Anything that encourages for more practicing will help your child improve.
Enroll your child to a reputable music school:  Music school offers the right platform and learning environment to progress in learning. A reputed music school is a great way to get your children into practice sessions, as they'll be around other students of their own age. This will give them access to all sort musical instruments, like drums, flute, violin or guitar lesson. Look for music lessons that employ  teachers with specific training. If your child loves to show off, make sure music school offers recital or other performance opportunities for child growth.
Buy the best quality instrument: Purchase the finest quality instrument you can afford. It will enthuse the children to learn more with better workmanship, sound and playing qualities. If your child shows interest in playing a particular instrument, make sure you buy it from the music store. Within budget, allowing your child the choice can help to feel a sense of belonging.

Music can be a potential career for your child. Knowledge of an instrument will pay off exponentially for them. Invest your time and effort to put your child into the musical learning environment.

Engage yourself actively with your child to help him/her in instrument mastery, and stay motivated. Regardless, how much monotonous a practice session can become over a single song, dont let your child give up.  Encourage your children and support them as best as you can. The trick is to get your child on track with self-motivated discipline. As a parent, its up to you to create positive, engaging and fun learning environment towards self-motivation.

Senin, 26 Maret 2018

Ship Modeling Tips For Modelers

Ship Modeling Tips For Modelers

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Ship Modeling Tips For Modelers

Ship modeling is considered as a decorative art.  For the past four hundred years, ship models have been considered as prized objects of art. Ship modeling provides your brain a good exercise. It exercises the various  areas of your brain, which in result, improve concentration, memory and focus.  In addition to it, ship modeling also provides you with hours of enjoyment and indulgence.  Ship modeling is not just about gluing the various parts of the kit together but is about organizing the wooden ship kit to give it a polished look.  With every ship kit you buy, you will get a set of detailed instructions, plans, and guidelines which will help you complete the ship modeling process effectively.

Every ship modeler has its own particular area of interest. Some are fond of American Yachts and some of Napoleonic Prison War Models. A good ship kit is one which is carefully crafted with high-quality materials.  The ship modeling process has four main characteristics- hull construction, paintwork or finishing, rigging and metal smithing. Talking in terms of aesthetic point view, a finely crafted ship model has a convincing aura around her.  To help ship modelers, simplify their process of ship modeling, we have shared several useful tips.

Research a ship model: -  Before you start the process, it is essential for you to find a right type of ship kit or model boat kit, depending upon your skills, learning level and abilities, You can choose ship kits or model boat kits from beginner, intermediate or advanced levels. There are numerous online shops that deal with selling ship models from leading manufacturers.

Choose the right level: -  There are 6 main levels of ship kits available. Level one kits can be easily built without previous shipbuilding experience and using simple hand tools. Level 2 ship kits require more skills and prior experience. Level 3 ship kits are meant for individuals who have prior experience in the ship modeling. Level 4  and 5 ship kits are designed for experienced modelers and last, but not the least, level 6 ship kits are meant for professionals.

Go through the Guidelines: - Once you have got ship kit that you are going to build, go through the plans and instructions carefully. Before you glue some of the parts, ensure all the parts are present in your kit.

Dip Wood hulls in the water: -  If you soak wood planks for creating ship hull in water, it will make wood planks more pliable and molding of the planks would become a lot easier. This will also help you mold the plank around the bulkheads so that it becomes easy for you to fit the hull.

Take reference: - While you are constructing a ship kit, it is advisable to consult a similar ship model or boat as a reference to make the construction process easier for you. You can also use a laser cutter to connect to a computer to achieve accurate results.

Using these simple steps, you can model ships easily and effectively. Ship modeling tends to be difficult for some ship modelers, however, if right guidelines are followed, the process becomes extremely simple and effective. You can take the help of internet to search for similar models to simplify your construction process.  It is suggested to go through the instruction plans and guidelines of the kit so that you can get acquainted with it and the process become even more simpler and effective.  If you have someone who has experience in ship modeling, you can take his/her help. Ship modeling is an enriching hobby. All it requires is time, patience and skills.

Shadow Box Frame Ideas- How You Can Use Them

Shadow Box Frame Ideas- How You Can Use Them

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Shadow Box Frame Ideas- How You Can Use Them

A shadow box can be an easy solution for displaying your photos and special souvenirs. Instead of keeping those souvenirs, collectibles or favorite pictures out of sight in a drawer, display them in a shadow box frame where you can enjoy them.

Shadow boxes are a unique way to display your mementos and capture memories of special occasions and celebrations. Whether it is a wedding, birthday, new baby, graduation or any other important event in your life, a shadow box allows you to create your own special keepsake.

Shadow box frames come in a variety of sizes, shapes and depths and can hold a wide a variety of items. Ready-made standard shadow box frames are available in square or rectangular shapes with depths from inch to 1 inch and can be hung on a wall or displayed on a table. If you can't find the size you need, shadow box frames can be custom made to your exact specifications.

With the versatility of a shadow box frame, there are lots of ways to display your favorite treasures- all you need to do is use a little imagination. If you're not sure how you could use a shadow box frame, think of items you have stored away that have special meaning to you. Just imagine all of the things you could display- you could display...

Your Sports Memorabilia: Whether it's your sports treasures or your kids, share your pride and commemorate these sports achievements with a shadow box display of medals or ribbons. All you have to do is stitch or pin the awards to the foam backing of the frame.

Your Collectibles: You can create a showcase for those special items collected during a vacation, a walk in the woods or a visit to the ocean. You can use push pins to hold your items securely.

Your Special Life Events: Did you save small items so you would always remember your honeymoon trip, special anniversary trip or a once in a lifetime vacation? Keep those memories alive by creating a personal shadow box frame to hang on your wall.

Your Favorite Pet: This can be a nice tribute in memory of a special pet. An old collar, a small play toy and pictures to remember them.

Your Hobby: Do you love to create but have no way to display your creations? Create a truly unique shadow box frame with items you have made yourself. Don't tuck your hard work away. Display it for all to see.

Not only can you capture your special memories, but you can create a unique way to showcase someone else's personal achievements. Who wouldn't appreciate a retirement gift highlighting their contribution to their chosen field or commemorating their military career?

There are countless ways to decorate a shadow box frame so have fun creating a treasure box of mementos that can protect and preserve your special memories.

Sexy Lingerie - Spice Things Up In The Bedroom

Sexy Lingerie -

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Sexy Lingerie - Spice Things Up In The Bedroom

Whether it's summer or winter, spring or autumn, choosing the right sleeping cloths is essential for every woman. Nowadays women are madly in love with purchasing lingerie, simply because they offer comfort and relaxation.

Think about the best summer shirt, airy and flexible, perfect to make every woman forget about the crazy heat. Moreover, their husbands will definitely feel happy and satisfied to see their wives dressed sexy and attractive. During the winter time there are numerous cozy pajamas to choose from. From the most fluffy and soft material to the most colorful ones, from sexy models to simple classic ones, women lingerie has turned into a revolution these days.

Every time you think about going on a shopping spree make sure you really know your body. Try out as many models as you want and decide on the best option. Generally, women are really picky and they want the perfect garment, the one that makes them skinnier, more attractive and comfortable. Regarding ways of purchasing comfortable lingerie, females have endless choices. Explore the variety of stores specialized on women underwear or surf the internet in case you haven't decided yet on the right model. Have a look the most daring panties, try out the sexiest bikinis or make an impression on your partner with gorgeous, attractive tights.

Generally made of silk and cotton, it is advisable to pay close attention of the fabric. Try to avoid bad material because it will certainly harm your skin, and purchase quality lingerie. What can be better than enjoying the coziest intimate outfit on a rainy, cold day while you're in bed than quality underwear? Choose your favorite color, the most fascinating model and make your spouse want you even more. Tease him with your attitude, be confident and convince yourself that you have the most perfect body. When it comes to underwear women are really pretentious because they need to have ideal fabric embed in a flawless garment.

Although, these pieces of cloth are extremely important for the human body, females consider it more like a hobby. Spending huge amounts of money every day they've become obsessed with lingerie because these items makes them regain confidence in their love life, as well as among their partners.Hence, throughout the years women have managed to allure men with their bodies; and because showing all is not so interesting, teasing them has become the second option towards driving men crazy.

Minggu, 25 Maret 2018

Save Your Memories - Dry Your Flowers

Save Your Memories - Dry Your Flowers

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Save Your Memories - Dry Your Flowers

Although there are some things we wish could last forever, or a moment we wish would never end, ultimately they do. The memory of the special event, however, can be preserved for us to recall and enjoy for a long time to come. Drying flowers is a simple and inexpensive way to preserve these cherished moments.

There are multiple ways to use your flowers after preserving them for crafts and decorations. Whether they were a gift, or from a special day, or just out of your home garden, they can be made into something to enjoy long into the future.

Dried flowers can be used for a variety of purposes. For a special event, such as a wedding, some people want to preserve their bouquets. After following drying instructions bouquets can be placed as a wall hanging next to the wedding photo, in a shadow box, or simply placed on a table or in a hutch. After flowers are dried they can also be put back in a vase and set on a table.

If a single flower is preserved, perhaps to save on space, it can be laid over the wedding frame on in front of the wedding photo. Individually dried flowers can also be used when making a wreath.

Flowers do not have to have special meaning, any flower that dries well can be used to make an arrangement. In addition to adding a variety of leaves, berries, ribbon or other embellishments, dried flowers look beautiful in a wreath. Sometimes less is more, if your wreath is not looking right, try lessening the amount of items in it.

Of course the Rose is the best flower to dry, it comes in many colors and sizes, and has the most history of all the flowers.

Here is a list of other flowers that dry well:

* Amaranthus - tassels of red to maroon blooms dangle, giving this 3- to 5-foot-tall annual its nickname, love-lies-bleeding.

* Baby's breath - small, delicate white flowers which form lacy sprays on tall stems.

* Bells of Ireland - green, bell-shape calyxes on its 2- to 3-foot tall stems. A lemony-mint aroma remains after drying.

* Bergenia - small pink bell like flowers, along with lavender, they smell delicious.

* Cockscomb - resembles the deep red to purple comb of a rooster.

* Globe amaranth - clover like flowers in a wide range of colors, red, yellow, pink, and white, a dwarf purple strain and a deep pink and white bicolor bloom.

* Globe thistle - purple thistle heads that can look very striking.

* Goldenrod - small, delicate golden blooms on long stems.

* Larkspur and Delphinium - tall rods of multicolored flowers ranging from white to purple. (be careful, these can be very moist, and need to be dried thoroughly so that they do not mold.)

* Love in a mist - tissue like purple blooms and spectacular seed pods, both can be dried.

* Munstead Lavender - most fragrant of all lavenders with deep-purple blooms.

* Statice - tight clusters of bell like flowers in a range of colors including purple, red, white and pink.

* Sweet Annie - lacy green foliage which some gardeners compare to feathers.

* Victoria blue salvia - tall stems with delicate purple blooms.

* Yarrow - lacy flowers in a range of colors including red, pink and white.

Now for some flower drying methods:

Hang Drying

Hang drying or air drying, as many call it. You want to start with fresh flowers, as older flowers tend to lose their petals in the drying process. Be sure to remove all the leaves so you have bare branches. Fan the flower stems in such a way that none of the flower heads touch. Now tie the bottom of the bunch with a string or rubber band and let them hang upside down. Be sure to place the bouquet in a dry, dark space for about two maybe three weeks. It is important that the flowers are completely dry before you use them.

The hang drying method is great if you want to decorate in the shabby sheik way. Some will take the hanging bouquet after drying and hang it from a curtain or maybe on the wall or where ever else it makes sense.

Sand Drying

The flower drying technique using sand requires a bit more effort, but works well. Use a rose while it is at its best, clip the stem so that about 1 inch is left. Be sure the leaves and stem are dry. This means no dew or other water. Put florists wire into the stem and into the head of the flower. Find an open, deep box and start filling it with white sand till the roses can stand erect in the sand.

Now carefully start putting sand around the base, and over and under all of the petals. The object is to use the sand as a method to keep the shape of the rose. Continue filling the box with sand until every rose is enclosed. Move the sand and flower filled box to a dry place and leave it for 2 to 3 weeks. Be very careful when transferring dried flowers, they are very fragile. With caution tilt the box to start emptying the sand. Hold onto each flower as it becomes free of the sand and keep going till all flowers are free form the sand.

This method is great for making wreaths or other flower arrangements.


Flowers can also be preserved by being pressed. This method is simple and can be used for things you want to keep forever, or for special cards or invitations. Although you can buy kits to press, they can also be made by having several layers of cardboard stacked with flowers laid out on each sheet and then bound with adjustable straps that you can tighten to ensure a successful drying process.

Pressed flowers are very versatile in their uses. When making wedding announcements a pressed flower of the wedding colors is a beautiful addition to the invitations. They can also be used to make cards or baby announcements. Another option for pressed flowers is to place them as a garden scene in an old window or frame. Glue them on a separate piece of glass, not part of the original frame, cut to the same size and then placed and secured to the frame. Any size can be attractive and used any where in a home, from a bathroom to bedroom.

The flowers do not have to be the center of the picture, but can also be placed around a photo or poem on the mat. This is a wonderful way to incorporate the flowers to the event, but do it in a small, elegant way.

If you can find a way to preserve special memories they will bring joy for years. Although fresh flowers are beautiful, dried ones can be just as enjoyable. By finding various ways to use your flowers, you will be surrounded by your memories and remember those happy times, when life might be more difficult.

Rub the Bevel

Rub the Bevel

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Rub the Bevel

The bowl gouge is manufactured to very high standards and is probably the most used tool owned by many turners. In the past, the tools were hand forged from carbon steel and came in all shapes and sizes. Today we have quality M2 HSS (High Speed) steels that give us a tool that takes and holds its edge for a lot longer. In addition to the HSS steel there is also Powder Metallurgy (PM). PM is a metal-forming process performed by heating compacted metal powders to just below their melting points.

Gouge made for HSS steel will have a hardness between 62 to 64 degrees Rockwell, and a Gouge made from PM steel will have a hardness between 66 to 68 degrees Rockwell. Keep in mind that the alloys used in making HSS or PM can vary which lead to different variations of hardness. The hardness quoted above is from Crown Tools who manufacture Woodturning Tools in Sheffield England.

A typical bowl gouge is manufactured from solid bar with a deep flute milled along two-thirds of the length of the bar. The flute is milled in such a way that the shavings will be ejected from the tool without clogging while making a cut. There are some profiles however, that have quite narrow flute profiles and these unfortunately have a tendency to clog up with shavings created by the tool.

Bowl gouges normally have much longer handles than spindle turning tools to allow the user better control. They also have deeper flutes in relation to the bar size than a spindle gouge. They can be ground in a variety of ways; from square to a swept-back grind of varying degrees. These are often referred to as: Celtic/Irish grind, Ellsworth grind and long-grind bowl gouges. There are also many other names for these grinds. Individual turners have their own personal variations on these for various reasons; no grind is right or wrong.

Rub the bevel, turners often use this term, but I wonder how many truly understand what it means? My understanding is that the tool at its cutting edge requires bevel support to allow the tool to cut in a controlled manner. The amount of support relies upon how heavy the cut is: if it is a light cut then less bevel support is required. As the cut becomes heavier, the amount of bevel support required is increased as the edge cuts deeper into the wood. The edge has to submarine below the surface to achieve a cut. The depth of cut is limited by three elements: bevel length, lathe power and the ability of the turner. The amount of true bevel contact is actually much less than expected; the resin build-up just behind the edge is the actual amount of bevel contact that has occurred. The dreaded catch is a result of insufficient bevel support for the attempted cut. The gouge should be presented to the turning at the same angle as the bevel is ground this will allow much greater control.

My favorite is a 5/8 gouge with a Ellsworth grind, which has been modified. I use a 60 degree grind and roll the top of the wings in slightly towards the center. This allows me to rub the bevel at a flatter angle and then turn the gouge slightly to start the cut, either left or right.

Rising importance of Calicut in Kerala real estate

Rising importance of Calicut in Kerala real estate

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Rising importance of Calicut in Kerala real estate

The popularity of Calicut is thriving and it is one of the most liked places for people who want to invest in real estate in Kerala. Many of the NRIs are preferring Calicut over other places as their post-retirement destination. Not only NRIs but local residents are also planning to settle down in Calicut because this place is crammed with many facilities and the environment is also comfortable here. Thats why many builders in Calicut are offering luxury apartments in Calicut at a reasonable rate. Here, we are mentioning some points why Calicut is gaining popularity.

Close proximity to Calicut international airport:

Calicut is very close to the famous Calicut International Airport or Karipur Airport which is located in Karipur. Calicut is just only 34 km away from this popular airport. Moreover, Kozhikode railway station or Calicut railway station is a famous railway station which connects Calicut with other places. This railway station is ranked 3rd in Kerala.

IT and industrial hub:

Calicut is the heart of IT and industrial development. Every company has their offices in Kozhikode or Calicut and Cyberpark and UL Cyberparks are the two prominent places for all the IT developments. Calicut is crammed with near about 40 prodigious IT companies and many government offices. Many education institutes like IIM Kozhikode is situated here and thats why this place is growing as the major IT hub in India. Therefore, the demand for real estate properties seems to be quite high in Calicut.

Facilities and amenities:

Many builders in Calicut are developing various residential properties for the dwellers which are thronged with all the latest amenities like gym, shopping center, indoor game zone, outdoor area, separate parking, swimming pool, etc. Not only this, Calicut is jam-packed with many renowned colleges, schools, and universities where people can explore their careers and can make their future better. With many hospitals, colleges, shopping centers, theatre, etc. living in Calicut would be an absolute comfort even if you are a newcomer to the city.


The climate is another reason behind the rising popularity of Calicut in Kerala real estate. Calicut has a moderate temperature during the summer and the winter season. So, you can lead a comfortable and convenient life throughout the year. Thats why investors are preferring this place over the others.

A stable social situation:

Calicut is a very cultured place in Kerala. There are many temples and shrines in Calicut. Moreover, this place has a stable social and political environment. You wont find not many criminals or unscrupulous person here because most of the people lead a peaceful life in Calicut.

These are some reasons behind the popularity of Calicut in Kerala real estate markets. Calicut real estate market is flouring day by day. Here, you can find a wide range of real estate options like houses, luxury villas, flats, and apartments. So, depending on your budget, you can purchase any of them and can lead a wholesome life there.

Author's Bio: 

I am a professional writer and loves to write on different topics like SEO, Health, Money Making, Fashion etc. It is my Hobby and passion.

Sabtu, 24 Maret 2018

Review of LGN Revolution & What one Needs to Be Successfull at it.

Review of LGN Revolution & What one Needs to Be Successfull at it.

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Review of LGN Revolution & What one Needs to Be Successfull at it.

LGN Revolution was founded by CEO Robert Ward in 2007 and has maintained as a stable online business opportunity ever since. They advertise themselves as a business opportunity for the adverage person. The "LGN" in there company name actually stands for "Little Guy Netowrk". They have entry rates starting at 198$ for the basic LGN package, 448$ for the LGN Extreme package and the third tier package being 998$, but one can sell any tier of package reguardless of which tier you buy into but one can only profit an ammount corrsponding to the tier there in. Example being if your in the Extreme 448$ package and you sell the 998$ package to someone, you would profit 400$ insted of 800$. At any time one can upgrade there tier for paying the difference of what you paid for your tier to the tier your upgrading to. LGN Revolution has 3 sources of income with the main source being promoting the business itself and selling it. When you sell the business on to someone they become your refferals and you become there mentor. You have to understand this to understand how they pay out and LGN Revolution's compenstaion plan is as follows:


If one sales the LGN Revolution 198$ plan, the seller profits 150$ and there sponsor profits 48$.
If ones sales the LGN Extreme 498$ package, the seller profits 400$ and there sponsor profits 98$.
If one sales there 998$ LGN Elite package, the seller profits 800$ and there sponsor profits 198$, So theres 2 sources of income. Your direct sales and your refferals sales.
Lastly the third source of income LGN Revolution offers is full resale rights to about 50,000$ worth of digital products. Being digital one will not have to stock up supplies of products and worry about shipping costs, and they provide your own web site store to sell your products. All products are offered reguardless of which tier package your purchase into.
How Does LGN Revoution pay Oneself?

LGN Revolution offers about 10-12 forms of payment, with the two major ones being Pay-pal and Google Checkout. Both of these are free to setup accounts with and are highly respectable online money transfer companies. While some people involved in online marketing projects have had issues with there accounts being frozen by paypal and google checkout, its not a common issue. Because of this though it is recommended that one applies for a pay-pal debit card. They are cheap to buy (about five dollars) and have instant access to money deposited into your pay-pal account, as where a direct transfer of money from your paypal account to your personal bank account takes about three days. The only drawback to the card is whenever its used theres a small percentage (about 1%) taken from the sum withdrawed, as where a direct bank transfer is free. But if a frozen account is something you might worry about, if all you do is pull money out made from your LGN Revolution sales, since the cards access to money just deposited into your pay-pay account is instant, the fee is nothing to really be concerned about. Many people like the fact that payments are made straight to you insted of to the company, where some companies payouts to there members are done by check which can take up to a month to process and recieve.

What Does LGN Revolution Offer for being a Member?

Depending on who you join under (who your mentor is) can play a role in how sucessfull you will be and what extras you will obtain besides the material LGN Revolution offers. It wont have anything to do with the ammount of money possible to be made directly because the program that LGN Revolution offers is the same for everyone, but if your mentor is skilled in advertising, marketing, and knowing LGN Revolution in and out, the ammount of information, one on one tutoring, software ect. he might offer can be very vaulable. Opposed to buying in under a mentor with no knowledge and the possibility that he may never talk to you again after your purchaseing into the company. Leaveing you alone to figure everything out on your own.
Besides that fact, LGN Revolution themselves will give you upon purchasing into there company under any tier package: Your own replicated corporate webpage, Nine pre made capture page websites, a webpage editor to make your own webpages, a live chat agent on your webpage, automated email systems, access to what they call "the back office" where you can customize you LGN Revolution system and watch all your site stats and keep up with prospects as well as chooseing how your systems automates itself, ad copys to save time in acticle marketing, conference calls you can invite your prospects to attend to learn more on the company, members only calls to teach about LGNs finer points and ways of marketing ( all conference calls are recoarded in case your miss them), about $50,000 worth of software and digital products - all with complete resell rights, Unlimited Travel Vouchers to some of the worlds most exotic locations, discounts on Gas, Golf, Shopping, and Restaurants, video tutorials on setting up your systems and fine tuning it, Plus Much more.

Is it Possible to for the adverage person make income with LGN Revolution?

As with any Business Opportunity (online of not) there is most diffinetly work involved, you can just buy into it, sit back and not do anything and expect to make any money, a lot of people that buy into companies like this have the idea that no work will be required once becomeing a member, they fail at it, then stop and pass it off as being some sort of scam. Fact is "THERE IS NO BUSINESS THAT DOSENT REQUIRE WORK" and "GET RICH QUICK DOES NOT EXIST". In reality its more like get rich somewhat slowly. Theres always exceptions and im sure some people have gotten large sums of money rather quickly, example 20,000+ a month but they either already had pretty extensive knowlodge of advertising and marketing or they paid for experienced marketing companies to do it for them. If your an adverage Joe like most are looking for these work from home Online Business Opportunitites and not wanting to spend money on advertising. Then learning how to build your presence on the internet and obtain first page search engine results can take some time. If your willing to spend maby 15-20 hrs a week(especially in the beginning) with less work after your presence is built, then obtaining incomes of 20,000+$ a month is most deffinetly possible

What does One need to be Sucessfull at this?

First of all, To be sucessfull as an Work at Home Business online business you must not treat it as a hobby. I've made that mistake in the past and I've never made any money with that mentality. Take your Work at Home online business seriously and it will take you seriously. You WILL get out of it what you put into it. This is not rocket science but it is also NOT a get rich quick scheme. Work From Home Internet Marketing is a true, real, and legitimate business career and you can truly prosper from if you take it seriously. Knowing this has the power of turning YOU into an incredible work at home marketing expert. But you MUST implement your marketing strategies you decide to use to there fullest and 100% master them! If you don't generate site traffic, you cannot make any sales. It may seem overwhelming at first. And depending on your marketing strategies, you will not see results overnight.

When it comes to work at home business marketing, it takes time to brand yourself and build your presence on the net. Company's reguardless of work at home or not don't brand themselves overnight and neither can you. You can advertise for quick sales, or you can market for the long-term. I suggest you do both!

Having said all that, I strongly suggest you check out teachings of Web 2.0. Web 2.0 is not a software but a concept. A concept for marketing in todays industry and keeping up to date with the new marketing techniques being implemented today and in the future. Results will not come overnight so if you're looking to get rich quick, Web 2.0 is not for you. Web 2.0 is for people with a vision. A Vision and patience to build a presence on the net that will payoff down the road. The bottom line is to get your face, voice, name, and website plastered all over the net in a way where people cannot avoid you. When they think of work from home online businesses or anything to do with whatever your business is about, they think of you. When they do a keyword search for anything pertaining to your business, they always see your name or face or video or website. Make sense? This takes time. But this is real true marketing, and its all done working from home!

So again, if you want to be Working from home on the net for long-term and eventually upgrade into larger ticket programs where you can really do damage, follow this advice. If you don't have the patience to do this, you're career will be short lived.


Do you want to earn $4K per month? Then ADVERTISE!

Do you want to earn $10K per month? Then ADVERTISE even more!

Do you want to earn $20K+ per month? Then ADVERTISE even more than that!

Whats the Difference in Advertising and Marketing?

Be sure you understand the 'What' before the 'How'. Knowing the difference between Advertising and Marketing is critical. If you're building your work from home online business solely by advertising and selling without Marketing, it's going to hurt your pocket book and you will not be successful in the long run. The purpose of Market business training is to help Internet Marketers and new internet business owners understand exactly what it takes to be successful now, and build an incredible income stream for the future leveraging all the work you are doing now, and building long lasting relationships with your clients that will pay off for years to come.
Benjamin Luke Barton
Internet Marketing and Public Relations

Reversing Cultural Norms that Currently Favor Low Performance

Reversing Cultural Norms that Currently Favor Low Performance

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Reversing Cultural Norms that Currently Favor Low Performance

Generally, when people have worked in an organization for very long, they have absorbed a set of norms and expectations about what is expected, what is rewarded and what is least approved. They have "learned" the way to behave that will, at the very least, keep them out of trouble. This set of widely shared beliefs about what is "right" and "wrong", "true" or "false", "good" or "bad", is the organization's culture. Understanding why change is frequently difficult for people can help us build in methods for easing the process and increasing the likelihood that it will succeed. Cultures are so spontaneous, illusive and hidden that can not be accurately diagnosed or intentionally changed. Several sub cultures exist within a single organizational culture, making changes difficult. Members are likely to resist changes because they are in fear of discontinuity and instability.
An organization's culture is multi-layered, consisting of assumptions, values, beliefs, norms and behaviors that have developed gradually and may have become relatively unconscious. It can explain much about how an organization functions, both internally and in relation to its external environment. When there is a need to change the way an organization works, it may become necessary to make this implicit set of beliefs explicit as they may no longer be consistent with the actions and behaviors that are now required.

Whether or not it is possible to fully "manage change", we believe that being very clear about what changes are required and being very intentional about building a culture that supports the new mission, goals, strategies and practices increases the probability of success exponentially. This necessarily involves a large cross section of the organization in assessing the current system of norms and beliefs, determining what changes are needed, and designing an implementation plan.

A classic example involves a regulated utility for which de-regulation meant a change in how they do business. Assumptions about customer expectations in a regulated environment led utilities in general to attend more to being a "good neighbor" than to providing low cost service. Those assumptions often meant that "good neighbor" behavior, i.e., courtesy to customers, was rewarded more than efficiency and this value was reinforced by training programs, performance reviews, and the company newspaper along with more subtle forms of communication.

These beliefs and resulting behaviors needed to be elevated to a conscious level so that the company could choose how it needed to modify its practices. New assumptions and values were articulated and systematically communicated through every vehicle and reinforced at every opportunity. (One would hope that the utility would not throw out the original intent to be a good neighbor, but only reassign priorities.)

As people at every level of the organization participated in meetings and activities to identify new goals and practices, they also created inventories of all the old ways of thinking and doing that would have to change. They actually developed a humorous system for "catching" each other in the old ways and rewarding the new. In this way, what might have become the source of serious resistance became a source of camaraderie and commitment to the new way of doing business.

Schein contends that many of the problems confronting leaders can be traced to their inability to analyze and evaluate organizational cultures. Many leaders, when trying to implement new strategies or a strategic plan leading to a new vision, will discover that their strategies will fail if they are inconsistent with the organization's culture. A CEO, SES, political appointee, or flag officer who comes into an organization prepared to "shake the place up" and institute sweeping changes, often experiences resistance to changes and failure.

Strategic leaders have an additional set of challenges. They have to create the means and the opportunities to infuse their employees with new ways of looking at themselves and their capabilities. Leaders' new ideologies and values need to be communicated effectively, internalized by employees, and then translated into productive methods of thinking and working. The useful techniques for overcoming these challenges fall within the domains of evaluating and transforming organizational cultures.

Cultural change then relies on leaders' communication techniques that cross sub cultural boundaries and carry messages about ideologies, values and norms that can be internalized by all employees. Memos and vision statements cannot achieve all of these objectives. Leaders, however, have a variety of sophisticated cultural communication techniques at their disposal to link subcultures to overarching cultural objectives of their organizations.

Productive cultural change will occur if leaders correctly analyze the organization's existing culture, and evaluate it against the cultural attributes needed to achieve strategic objectives. Consequently, leaders must first possess a clear understanding of the strategic objectives for their organization and identify the actions needed to reach those objectives. These two tasks by themselves are difficult, particularly for the federal agencies that are experiencing volatile rates of change and reorientation. Nevertheless, without these specifications, any cultural transformation is a blind exercise.

Next conduct an analysis of the organizations existing ideologies, values and norms. Two critical questions that leaders should ask are: (1) Are existing explanations of cause and effect relationships, and acceptable beliefs and behaviors applicable to the organization's achievement of strategic objectives? (2) Are organizational members facing ambiguities about the external environment and internal work processes that can only be clarified by organizational leadership?

Strategic leadership needs to be transformational if it is to serve the organization. Transformational leaders must operate from a foundation of high morality and ethical practices. Deep within the culture of every organization is a collection of fundamental norms and values that shape members behavior and helps them understand the surrounding organization. Cultural norms emphasize the importance of discovering new technologies, and developing them into new products. These norms are expressed and passed from one person to another through surface elements of the culture which help employees interprets everyday organization events.

1. Rite - Relatively elaborate, dramatic, planned sets of activities that consolidates various forms of cultural expressions into one event, which is carried out through social interactions, usually for the benefit of an audience. These help communicate specific ideas especially for new comers to learn about the culture of the firm.

2. Ceremonial - A system of several rites connected with a single occasion or event. They exemplify and reinforce important cultural norms and values.

3. Ritual -A standardized, detailed set of techniques and behaviors that manage anxieties, but seldom produce intended, technical consequences of practical importance.

4. Myth - A dramatic narrative of imagined events usually used to explain origins of transformations of something. Also, an unquestioned belief about the practical benefits of certain techniques and behaviors that is not supported by demonstrated facts.

5. Saga - An historical narrative describing the unique accomplishments of a group and its leaders-usually in heroic terms. Heroes provide concrete examples that make the guiding norms of a company readily apparent.

6. Legend -A handed-down narrative of some wonderful event that is based in history but has been embellished with fictional details.

7. Story - A narrative based on true events-often a combination of truth and fiction. Stories serve as reminders of cultural values.

8. Folktale - A completely fictional narrative.

9. Symbol - Any object, act, event, quality, or relation that serves as a vehicle for conveying meaning, usually by representing another thing. This enables convey a complex message in an efficient economical manner.

10. Language - A particular form or manner in which members of a group use vocal sounds and written signs to convey meanings to each other. Language reflects organizations particular culture (HP way for instance)

11. Gesture - Movements of parts of the body used to express meanings.

12. Physical - Those things than surround people physically setting and provide them with immediate sensory stimuli as they carry out culturally expressive activities.

13. Artifact - Material objects manufactured by people to facilitate culturally expressive activities.

Culture is deep seated and difficult to change, but leaders can influence or manage an organization's culture. It isn't easy, and it cannot be done rapidly, but leaders can have an effect on culture. Schein outlines some specific steps leaders can employ:

What leaders pay attention to, measure and control. Something as simple as what is emphasized or measured, over time, can have an effect on an organization's culture. One example of this is an emphasis on form over substance. If leaders pay more attention to form, an organizational culture can develop where people start to believe that the substance of a recommendation is less important than the way it is presented. One can recall when more attention was paid to the format of viewgraphs used in a briefing than what was said; what we characterize as "eyewash."

Where do you think people will focus their effort once it becomes accepted that a slick presentation is what the leaders are looking for? How could you go about changing that aspect of the organization's culture? Consider cultural assumptions and beliefs underlying a "zero defects" organizational mentality. "You must always be perfect; mistakes aren't allowed." If this assumption reflects a dysfunctional aspect of an organization's culture, how would you go about changing that perception?

Leader reactions to critical incidents and organizational crises. The way leaders react to crises says a lot about the organization's values, norms and culture. Crises, by their nature, bring out the organization's underlying core values. Often, this is where rhetoric becomes apparent. Reactions to crises are normally highly visible, because everyone's attention is focused on the incident or situation. Disconnects between actions and words will usually be apparent, and actions always speak louder than words. Additionally, a crisis not only brings a great deal of attention, it also generates a great deal of emotional involvement on the part of those associated with the organization, particularly if the crisis threatens the organization's survival. This increases the potential for either reinforcing the existing culture, or leading to a change in the culture. Such a crisis can provide an opportunity for a leader to influence the organization's culture in either a positive or a negative way.

Deliberate role modeling, teaching, and coaching. Nothing can take the place of leaders "walking their talk." The personal example of a strategic leader can send a powerful message to the members of an organization, particularly if it is ethical and consistent. Reinforcing that example with teaching and coaching will help others to internalize the desired values.

Criteria for allocation of rewards and status. The consequences of behavior-what behavior is rewarded and what is punished-can significantly influence culture. If the organization reacts to new ideas by ridiculing the ideas and those who propose them, it won't take long before people believe that new ideas are not welcomed or desired. One belief of perceived organizational culture is reflected in the statement: "Don't raise questions or suggest improvements, because nothing will come of it and you will just get in trouble." If you were in an organization's strategic leader, what steps could you take to alter the reward system to change this aspect of the culture?

Criteria for recruitment, selection, promotion, retirement and excommunication. One of the powerful ways of changing an organization's culture is through the type of people brought into, retained, and advanced in the organization. You should be able to establish a desired culture base in an organization by bringing in and advancing individuals with the values you want, and eliminating those with undesired value bases.

That is what organizations are attempting when they propose tightening up admissions standards to screen out undesirables. This strategy is consistent with the belief that the problems experienced by the organization result from a few "bad apples" and do not reflect systemic problems. However, if a strong culture bias exists, it may be too strong to be changed by selection alone.

Schein has five guidelines.

1. Don't oversimplify culture or confuse it with climate, values, or corporate philosophy. Culture underlies and largely determines these other variables. Trying to change values or climate without getting at the underlying culture will be a futile effort.

2. Don't label culture as solely a human resources (read "touchy-feely") aspect of an organization, affecting only its human side. The impact of culture goes far beyond the human side of the organization to affect and influence its basic mission and goals.

3. Don't assume that the leader can manipulate culture as he or she can control many other aspects of the organization. Culture, because it is largely determined and controlled by the members of the organization, not the leaders, is different. Culture may end up controlling the leader rather than being controlled by him or her.

4. Don't assume that there is a "correct" culture, or that a strong culture is better than a weak one. It should be apparent that different cultures may fit different organizations and their environments, and that the desirability of a strong culture depends on how well it supports the organization's strategic goals and objectives.

5. Don't assume that all the aspects of an organization's culture are important, or will have a major impact on the functioning of the organization. Some elements of an organization's culture may have little impact on its functioning, and the leader must distinguish which elements are important, and focus on those.

Wagner and Hollenbeck suggest tow approaches in reversing an organizational culture; symbolic management and OD intervention. Managers attempt to influence deep cultural norms by shaping the surface elements that people use to express and transmit cultural understandings. On the other hand, Organizational Development (OD) interventions can contribute to cultural management by helping the members progress through the following steps;

1, identify current norms and values. 2, plotting new directions 3. Identifying new norms and values 4. Identifying culture gaps 5. Closing culture gaps.

An understanding of culture, and how to transform it, is a crucial skill for leaders trying to achieve strategic outcomes. Strategic leaders have the best perspective, because of their position in the organization, to see the dynamics of the culture, what should remain, and what needs transformation. This is the essence of strategic success.


Wagner, john A (2005) Organizational Behavior: Securing Competitive Advantage, 5th edition, Prentice Hall.

The author is Dr. Chandana Jayalath. He is a Chartered Quantity Surveyor with nearly 18 years experience in both pre and post contract quantity surveying and contracts administration with teaching and research functions including cost advice, claims and contractual review, negotiations, interpretations and dispute settlement related to civil infrastructure projects. Writing articles on management is his hobby that aims to reflect his own experience working in multi cultural organizations.

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Image source: Shade frames can customarily be recovered or new on...